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Lilith's wacked out days & scary thoughts
My Journal, My place, My thoughts. IM strange I live in a strange envermant i have wacked out friends... and i write strange things....
Today was just gay. All i did was sleep, until 1 in the afternoon... seriously i need to get a life or somthing. I have nothing better to do lol. Anyway my mum and i went out. I bought some fangs for no real perpose. Then we went to eat supper. Yeah supper nothing speacial. So afterwards we went home i ******** around with the puddy crap for the fangs which harded up on me... now i cant wear them cuz the puddy crap aint working and s**t. ******** puddy crap. anyway, last night was retarded went to a party... actully not really one... suposedly to be one... but since the hostess isnt very populare i just went cuz my friend draged me to it cuz her parents told her to go. We did nothing really, just watched 6 hours of anime... some party i was bored out of my mind. THen we phone called a few people. Soon later i pissed P.T. off and reacived a adgend in the forehead and then later on i fell off the bed and brought the stereo with me... that hurt. Other then the boredem i had a decent time.

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The Fire Angel
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Oct 31, 2004 @ 01:29am
Oh thanks Lilith...You deserved that thrown at you for saying what you did!! What a phone call...What a dare!! *laughs* VALUABLE INFO!! yay!! Well, anyhow...sounds cool...we had not that bad of a time anyways!! *blinks* I think that it was ok...A little boring, but that is that...Wait til the next time we get to call people...*blinks* what am I going to be up to?? Seriously not dancing or singing or saying stupidity like last time! >,< oh well, whatever!!


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