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Lilith's wacked out days & scary thoughts
My Journal, My place, My thoughts. IM strange I live in a strange envermant i have wacked out friends... and i write strange things....
15/10/04... (i have nothing better to put)
Today was boring as hell... s**t i don't even remember going to math or english thats how ******** tried i was. I think i fell asleep in most of my classes. s**t in Bio... the teacher put me on this desk like the single desks, most bio desks have like a 2 ppl on it. anyway she put me there for like the mini quiz... i guess she thinks i cheat on my tests. ******** women. anyway, i move back to my orginal spot and she tells me to move back. WTF!!! i dont get her at all, im not a ******** bad kid, sure i make stupid comments here and there, i sat at the ******** loner desk... yeah... soon later at lunch when the gang and I went to our hang out after we ate. Well... 1 of my pals and a retarted was there... ******** wanna be, any way my paL Valkyrie her bro was there with his retard little friend was stalking her again. s**t dude get a ******** life. Anyway, i was bitching at him, ******** i wanted to say so much to the damn kid but if i say anything, Val will get in s**t from her ******** grand-parents. LIfes s**t...
Anyway on the ******** bus... going home... theres these 2 ******** morons... i swear these guys most have been dropped at least 17 times or more when they were just born. They wouldnt leave me ******** alone.. about one of my ex's for ******** sakes would they just drop dead. ******** morons.
later on when i got home i was fooling around with my dad... like play fighting and stuff.. and i started swearing in french... (i dont speak french often.) and my dad was giving me one of those looks like if-u-say-another-word-im-gonna-hit-u, its funny, he starts taping his spoon out of his tea on my arm... then i make this stupid comment about slap-fu... sumthing my friends and i made up its funny.... espacally finger-fu (yes ppl think... SICK!!!! but thats not wat i ment when i said it lol)
anyway after like awhile we went out to get supper... (mum was working no wonder neither of us can cook) we were a kfc standing in line and s**t... then my dad starts acting up... and starts like swatting my arm. and i react and slowly but surely we start punching one another... right in the middle of the line in kfc... when we were at the case regerster... my dad swang his arm and i dodged and when i brought my arm back to smack his arm i smacked the glass case thingy.... that hurt he fingers. lol yes i have a weird family.... wat would u do when stand in ******** in line just stand there and do nothing...? not me... i always gotta do sumthing be annoying to the person next to me or sumthing as long im not in a pissy mood and tired i'll do sumthing... anyway.... gonna watch cartoons soon... heh...
skool sucks now... worse of all im in a lower grade in my french so im like stuck with the little kids... its funny cuz when the teacher starts talking about a project that we have to do every ones like aww... we already he 2 projects... then u hear in english... awww.... suck it up winers i have 6 projects.... so stop bitching... its funny... the one guy be hind me snickered at the comment.... teacher pretended to ignore...me but she heard mighty fine clear... lol

well thats all for 2day....**looks at wat was just typed** holy s**t i typed that... well i guess i am in a good mood and actully not tired... thats a first...

User Comments: [8] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Oct 16, 2004 @ 05:11am
lalalalalalalallalalalalallalalala u suck u dumb a** b***h...lol...((freak)) well dont u got a shitty life well hey i think everybody has got one..lol..even me so kiss my american white a**..lol..duh.!!!!! blaugh scream i hate u .u hate me . i will kill u when i see u..lol... blaugh sweatdrop eek

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 16, 2004 @ 05:42am
*looks above post* What a dumbstruck idiot..."if I see u" lol...Whatever...Lilith, just ignore bs from an AI!!

The Fire Angel
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Oct 16, 2004 @ 01:07pm
yo fire angel piss the f off u have no idea whats going on and you 2 girls outa stop bitching each ohter out now... once was enough and wasent ment to happen now its over...

commentCommented on: Mon Oct 18, 2004 @ 11:48pm

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Oct 19, 2004 @ 12:04am
o ok....fine i will knock it off...lol ((well 4 now))..!!! stressed blaugh *evil smiles.**

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 20, 2004 @ 11:54pm
Well, I never back out of a fight so you can take a flocking hike u imbecile!!

The Fire Angel
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Oct 24, 2004 @ 11:17pm
Righ but the day i ******** u up will be the day u back out of them so id keep my rtung shut if i were u...

commentCommented on: Mon Oct 25, 2004 @ 01:56am
I am not the one who ******** around and hides and s**t, if you want a fight with me,bring it on...

The Fire Angel
Community Member
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