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sassy_starry's Journal
its near the end of another month!yay! more anime watching!haven't been able watch lately cauz the internet has been low, so yay! so far for my hols havent done much, did some drawings of kh characters(chibis) and some bleach characters using the manga as reference. pretty happy how some of them turned out. plan to photoshop the kh chibis. what i really want is to be able to edit the pics like pros- you know with the whole shine to the pic. i really don't know how to draw the eyes for mine, it just looks really abnormal. i'll put some of my work in progress to get some feedback. but not yet. sweatdrop
oooh and there's something else! i found out there are going to be three new kh games released!! one on psp(bummer), mobile(i think its only for japan though) and...the DS!!!yay! the ds one is continued from COM, and so its going to be exciting>.< still i havent finished COM cauz i cant beat axel. he's too fast.. at the moment im just wandering around cauz im scared to be defeated again.. i always do that. im such a procrastinator crying

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  • User Comments: [6]
    Community Member

    Sun Sep 30, 2007 @ 05:41am

    You're a protagonist? You sure you've got the right word there?

    Community Member

    Sun Sep 30, 2007 @ 07:46am

    whoopsy... redface sorta drifted off into dreamland when i typed that up...

    Community Member

    Sun Sep 30, 2007 @ 08:15am

    axel is awesome....
    i want a DS too...
    yeah, photoshopping things takes too much time. I've drawn a few characers(random ones) that i want to photoshop only...its a bit annoying...

    Community Member

    Sun Sep 30, 2007 @ 08:27am

    if you want i can tell you the basics on how to start and colour- but i can't guarantee that will turn out like the pros work.

    Community Member

    Tue Oct 02, 2007 @ 07:26am

    what do you mean by 'how the pros do it'?

    And, on photoshop, there are a few ways..I can show you sometime if you want

    but ultimately, I think what you want is black lines and then to colour, right? So..either
    1. draw over the scanned image (on another layer) -but this woud be terribly difficult without patience and a drawing tablet (patience more than the tablet)

    2. Play with the levels.

    3. When you scan it, you can do it jut black and white, not greyscale. It makes it a bit easier.

    And..just fill things in in a solid colour, put another on top for highlights and yoou can always smudge it in. Or have the second colour on a lower opacity so it blends.

    But yeah..above all, you have to be patient. Being a perfectionist helps too. You'll notie tiny details and fix them. blaugh That's why holidays are a good time to do these sort of things - you have enough time to do it cause there's nothing else. Lack of internet helps also.

    I've been designing a dalek in Cinema 4D. biggrin

    Community Member

    Wed Oct 03, 2007 @ 01:42am

    so far i've only worked on two of the kh characters. sora and kairi. i think they look better in solid colour, but i'm going to try shade it to see how it turns out. i think i'll put up what i have now... to get some feedback.

    User Comments: [6]
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