its near the end of another month!yay! more anime watching!haven't been able watch lately cauz the internet has been low, so yay! so far for my hols havent done much, did some drawings of kh characters(chibis) and some bleach characters using the manga as reference. pretty happy how some of them turned out. plan to photoshop the kh chibis. what i really want is to be able to edit the pics like pros- you know with the whole shine to the pic. i really don't know how to draw the eyes for mine, it just looks really abnormal. i'll put some of my work in progress to get some feedback. but not yet. sweatdrop oooh and there's something else! i found out there are going to be three new kh games released!! one on psp(bummer), mobile(i think its only for japan though) and...the DS!!!yay! the ds one is continued from COM, and so its going to be exciting>.< still i havent finished COM cauz i cant beat axel. he's too fast.. at the moment im just wandering around cauz im scared to be defeated again.. i always do that. im such a procrastinator crying
sassy_starry · Fri Sep 28, 2007 @ 04:20am · 6 Comments |