I see how it is. No one loves me
Yeah, so anyway, in case you haven't noticed, I got a new outfit ^_^ Or rather, a new shirt for my avi. I've been meaning to get it, but realized right before the rollback thing that I had enough gold, so I went and bought it, and put it on. Then the roll back happened, now I don't have it, but I have the gold. However, as long as I don't change clothes it still looks like I have it. confused eek mrgreen So I'm not changing clothes any time soon. Save me 4k.
Meh, I don't know what to talk about. I'm suddenly bored. Which is odd, because I haven't had much time to be bored lately. Always running about doing busy things. Homework, school, polo, work, chores... reading a lot. Finished two books this week. They were rather good, or at least I liked them. I had to run to the book store Wednesday and buy the second, it was the sequal to the first. When I got to the book store I saw it was in hardback, and I only had 8 bucks, so I drove on home, searched for quarters, ended up breaking into my coin jar where I noticed that few dollar bills (maybe 2? 3?) were missing. eek evil that pissed me off for about five minutes. Then I kinda stopped caring. I'm not sure who stole it, but I don't think it was Patricia, my younger sister. It might have been Jenny, I'll ask her later. It will piss me off if it's Jenny. If she needed the money she could have asked for it. If she needed it that badly I would have gotten it for her. *sighs* It might have been someone else. I don't know who, though. Honestly, it really hasn't bugged me too much. Just enough for me to point it out, but other than that, there are bigger thing to worry about.
My grade in science is a B+. I know, I know, "B+, that's a good grade!" Then I'm like, "No, it's shitty." and then someone out there feels bad because they're working their a** off to get a C. >.< But I'm annoyed because I know I could have had that A. Two bloody, simple, stupid mistakes on a test through me off. Then many simple, stupid mistakes on homework assignments finished off the job. Now I'm worried that I'll screw up quals, and ta da! Just like that, I'm in sirious freaking trouble. I'd have a C. Or worse. Maybe a D. Because I suck at science. I haven't had a D since elementry school. Fifth grade I think. *thinks harder* I don't know. Can't remember. Not the point. The point is that I'm worried and I don't know what to do because I don't think studying will help, and I'm known to do stupid things in labs. Not blow up the room, or spill chemical stupid things, but like not rensing the thing enough, or somehow getting more weight than I put in. I don't know what I do wrong sometimes, I just haven't had one lab that turned out on the better end of things. Some were close, but none that really worked well. Except the ice cream lab. I did awsome on the ice cream lab. And might I add it tasted great. Until it mealted. Then I threw it away.
I'm worried I'll get fat this summer. I'm working at taco bell, and it tastes really good. >.< Shoulda got a job at Jack in the Box. I greatly dislike Jack in the Box. It's all greasy and icky and such. Prolly the safest fast food place you can eat, or it was after the hole ecoli thing, but I don't like it. I suppose it's because the one near my house got all grimy a few years ago. Gag, it's nasty. Thank god my place is nicer. Anywho, I suggest you try the club chalupa (sp?) it's so yummy. I've come up with a plan on how not to get fat. Only eat one main thing a day (aka, chalupa/sp nachos/big taco like thing. I can have two tacos.) Then up to two side things (small nachos, which is just a bag of chips and chease, fesasta potato things... stuff like that). While it's still not good for me, it stops me from eating way too much, while still allowing me to enjoy myself. Also, I have to do something similar to excersize AT LEAST twice a week. Like, walking two dogs, or jogging a mile, or swimming or something. This will help keep me fit, also. Sound like a plan? I hope so.
Um... I got a CD from Maude, My Chemical Romance's Three Chears for Sweet Revenge. A couple things about this CD. I don't listen to the last three songs, don't see a reason to, I don't like them. I find I skip like two other songs, don't remember which ones. The rest I listen to very loudly, if possible. They sound better loud. Actually, they sound best very loud. Loud enough that I could hear it downstairs (quietly) if the CD player's upstairs. Granted, can't do that with parents home. I get yelled at. The CD's great though in circumstances where you feel very bad and are venting. Such as on the way home last Sunday from the Mariner's game I went to, should mention that later. Maude and I were... having a bad/good day. We didn't feel like talking about it anymore, so we turned the music up to the point where we couldn't really hear ourselves singing (unless we got loud. Even I'm not stupid enough to have it too loud. And once we got on the freeway I turned it down cause I had to roll my window's up.) It's funny how just listening to music, when chosen spesifically for the perpose, is a type of venting all in itself.
*sighs* Sunday was fun until we got back into town. The Mariner's game was great, so great. They won because I was there cool I'm just that cool. (Honestly though, I'm not surprized. Talk about that later.) We were playing the Red Sox, you know, the guys who kicked the yankie's butts ( mrgreen ) but we won 5-4. Maude had gotten the tickets and it was just the two of us. She failed to tell me that we'd be ten rows back in prime ball catching zone on the third base line. We were so close to the field, it was awesome. I didn't bring a glove, though, so when the ball came strait towards me (like, right to my chair) I was somewhere between pissed at Maude for not telling me to bring a glove, and terrified of being hit by the nice ball. Thankfully the nice man next to me went to catch it, missed it, but had the ball bounce off his hand and away. My head was saved. Life is good.
But, to the real fun, there was this chick two rows back, total Red Sox fan (I sware there were more of them then Mariner's fans.) She was loud. Really loud. And had a voice that was strait up abnoxious. Gag. But she bashed the mariners every chance she got, cheared for the Sox every chance she got. It got to the point where the three men behind me (aided by a steady suply of alcoholic beverages) started bashing the sox/her right back. The bickering alone kept their surroundings enteretained. Maude and I threw in a few comments of our own, too, and it was just a lot of fun.
There were a few times, though, when some interesting things happened. Let me start this by asking if you've ever thought about calling someone, and then have that suddenly call you? It used to happen a lot with me and Chelsea, both ways. Kinda cool, that. But at the game, I would say something off handed, like "yeah, and now he hits a home run." then the guy would hit it. That particular time pissed me off because it was the other team, and it ended up with them getting three runs. But there was alost the time when I said, "and now I want this guy to hit it down the third base line and get a double." Sure enough it happened, and Maude and I started laughing so hard, while the guy next to me (who participated in the fun banter with the sox lady, as well as with our inpromtu chear at the end... I'll get back to that) gave me the oddest look. It's amusing to get odd looks. I also got the ball in the hat (but that was just paying attention) and the boat race. Sox lady got that one too, and the guy right behind me lost a dolar off it. >.< Not the point. It was just amusing to do that a few times. I don't know, coincidences are cool. Sometimes I'm just good at them. Can't be trying to predict anything, though, that buggers it all up. Sometimes I just get lucky.
Back to the chear. I know it will sound stupid, because when I tell people they look at me as if it sounds stupid, but it was really funny at the time. This Red Sox guy, something Manny, I think, his back pocket was inside out. And because the chick was chearing for him all loud and abnoxious like, the guys behind us desiced to start hassling about it. Which was amusing in itself, because drunk guys (or in this case, slightly buzed) can be quiet amusing. But the joke grew on itself, to the amusement of those around the trio, and by the end of the game we were all crossing our fingers, hoping that the Mariner's pitcher wouldn't strike the guy up to bat out, only because we knew that if he got on base Manny was up. Tada, we got lucky, there's Manny batting, and suddenly our entire group stands up (Maude and I chose to sit and laugh histerically) and starts chantting (in order to combat those chearing for the red Sox) "Fix you're pocket" *clap, clap, clap clap clap* to the theme of "Let's go red sox." Do you know the chear? Simple one. Anyway, we all found it incredibly funny. And then the people who hadn't been listening to the hole thing were looking at our group of ten people or so, as if we were insane, but also very curiously, as if wanting to be let in on the joke.
It's one of those "you'd have to be there" moments. Inside jokes kick a**.
Water polo made state. We beat our rival school in a wild card game to do it. Go us. I wasn't in that game. Or in Wednesday's state game, either. I had to work, and frankly, I didn't really want to be around the team. I'm tired of water polo. Well, not the game, the people. There are girls on the team who I really like, who I'll really miss, but then there are girls who I'm so glad to get away from. I didn't really want to go to state, I didn't want to have to deal with the team anymore. My god, coach is an a**. Did I tell you about the first game against our rival school? I think that was the day I didn't want to sound like I felt shitty so I said I wouldn't complain, and so I didn't talk about it. BTW, that day everyone seemed to think I'm happy. Just a clue: if I say I'm not complaining because I don't want people to think that's all I do, it's probably because I have a whole lot of things to complain about. I don't know, Maude got it.
Anywho, I'm actually glad we're at state, but I don't really care how we'll do. We played so shity today, but coach didn't help. He just makes me want to shove a sock in his mouth. I could describe him, fairly accurately, if I wanted to. but I don't want to. I'll just assume that once you've met him, and tried to have a conversation with him, perhaps about something controversial, you'd understand what I'm getting at. I wish someone who wasn't on the team, who was a good friend of mine, go tthe chance, then at least I'd have someone else to talk to about how much he bugs me. The team isn't the place to do it. It builds resentment, problems, and general negativity. Plus he becomes a scape goat for everything that goes wrong. While some of it is his fault, not all of it is. And I'm tired of the team just shoving everything on his shoulders. Not that he's been a good coach. He hasn't. He hasn't been supporting, or commanding, or deserving of respect. There's a reason no one respects him. There's a reason some don't listen to him. Well, two reasons on the last one. The first is that he doesn't make them, the second is their a bunch of disrespecting jerks. I don't like the guy either, I have as many reasons not to like him as the next girl, but I shut the hell up and at least pretend like I'm paying attention. They could do the same.
Well, sometimes I go off to the side and start tredding into the wall, which I've found I actuall enjoy a bit. It kills time and works me out. I'm not sure why I enjoy doing that, it's not like I'm actually going to push the wall anywhere. But I suppose it's nice to know I won't be going anywhere, or that I won't win that fight. I can tread as hard, or as easily, as I want, and I won't move either way. Dunno, I like it. Besides, no one really wants to go up against me, tredding. I like one on one stuff. They don't want to deal with it. *sighs* I wish the guys practiced with us. They did last year, Sean (old coach) let them. Mahaffie's too worried we'd get hurt. rolleyes OMG, they guy hit me! What should I do? rolleyes answer: hit him back. Or kick him. Hard. In uncomfortable places. wink It's nice going against the guys, that's how I got the tread I have. Sophomore year I didn't know/really like anyone on the team, I was the loner, and whenever we paired up to tread I wasn't chosen, I got put with a guy. Even know the guys kick my a**, without trying too hard. Their guys, and naturally gifted with muscle (grr. meanies.) They're gonna work you, and you're going to get stronger. I like that. Why else would I wear the 20 pound belt to tred if I don't have to?
Meh. I wish we had a good coach this year. I wish Sean was still there. Now that the season's over I know how much I miss him. Sean made last year good for me on the team. I had some problems and he helped me through them. He was a good leader, and a good friend, and a damn good coach. You wanted to talk to him. Mahalfie makes you want to hide in the locker room then suddenly have a reason to leave when you're needed to join the group and talk. I said I had to work today. Which was partically true. I could have spared fifteen minutes. I went home and called Scott instead. He's the friend who's not going to the other high school's prom tomorrow (he goes to the other school.) So I might hang out with him. Gah, maybe we can see a movie. Not star wars, because he's seen it and it's sold out anyway, but something else. Justin said that he didn't think much of that one movie... crusade one... but I don't know, to kill a few hours I might go. Or there might be something else.
Oh yeah, talked to Justin. Was tired, though, it was last Friday. I had been up since 4:20a.m. Not the best time to talk to people, you tend to forget what you were going to say. However, since I had said most of what I had wanted to in my journal, I guess he heard it anyway. Later I remember a few things, though.
Remember that me predicting stuff thing? It goes both ways. Good and bad. Just thought I'd point that out. Have you ever got off the phone with something and just knew you should have said something? That you wouldn't get the chance or the time wouldn't be right again?
Here's a funny thing: over the last few months Justin's reminded me of Scott. Can't pinpoint why, so don't ask. Scott actually wants to talk to me, and hell, sometimes he actually tells me stuff. Big shocker there. But there has been this distinct reminder of Scott. Go figure. I'm still working that one out.
There was also this book I read where one of the charectors reminded me of Justin, and I couldn't figure out why I thought the guy was so cool until I realized that, and then I laughed. *shrugs* It's kinda funny. But yeah, the guy was this really smart, young lawyer/sorcerer/guy from a bad family trying to save the world. He's actually kinda spiffy. Ended up with a witch lady, which was taboo because witches and sorcerer's are enimies since the evil sorcerers turned on the witches and betrayed them to all those people burning them at the stake. But of course, since Lucas (was it Lucas? Sounds right) was trying to be good he was helping the witch, who's charge (12 year old girl/witch, daughter of an important sorcerer/evil witch) was trying to be abducted by this evil half demon/real father, who actually cared about the girl, even though he too was kind of evil. Ah, the world of books. The story actually wasn't bad, I liked the seconder (or is it forth?) book a lot more. Women of the Other World series, btw. Lent the first two books to Chelsea because they're about werewolves (cheese is a were wolf kinda gal), not witches. Ches's Mom will prolly read them too, she's an avid reader. Great lady herself.
Yeah, there really wasn't any point to that. And I have a cat getting hair all over my taco bell outfit. Now that I think about it I understand why he was biting at my leg earlier. I probably spilt something on my pants. I need to wash both outfits tonight. Wait, tomorrow. I don't work tomorrow and it's later so tonight's out.
Oh, I met up with Jamie at work today. She just happened to be there when I came in, then again when I left. They went to a concert at a local club (Scott was at a concert I would have loved to have gone to if I hadn't been working. When does Scott go to concerts, anyway?) then came back for a late night snack. Anywho, Jamie's an interesting charector, who if she wasn't my friend, I'd prolly give her terms such as "drugie" or "looser," but since she is my friend I'll skip over those *cough* and move on to her plan for something fun to do this summer. Last summer, to kill time, me Cheese and Jamie dressed up in camo paint and went running around down town at night, kind of staulking people, or generally being weird. We'd hide behind pools and stuff when cars went by and pretended to try to be all sneaky. Yes, it's childish, but it's also a hell of a lot of fun, so get over it. 3nodding Anyway, Jamie want to do a good deed/have fun sort of thing, and go and leave people notes that say "Free hugs!" and have happy faces on them or something, and then put them in car windows or whatever. I told her I'm in. If we go for blizzards first, because we always did that last summer. She works at McDonald's, and we would pick her up after work. Anyway, she was all for it.
So that's part of what's to come. I also got my prom dress, which is very pretty. I surprized everyone and got something blue. Which is suprizing because I'm not the biggest fan of blue. I'm the idiot who avoids it because everyone wears it. Granted, I wear a lot of blue. It's my school color and jeans are comfortable, so it kind of pops up. What I was going for this year was something not black (I have three black dresses from previous formals. Stepping outside the box a little) and maybe something brownish orange (copperish? I don't know, a good color), green, or just the right shad of dark purple. I found the perfect brown color, it was just what I wanted. Unfortunately the style wasn't quite what I wanted. Had this been Jr. Prom or homecoming I'd go with it, but for senior ball I wanted something more classy. And the blue one looks really nice. So the blue one wins. Go blue one. Finding jewlery for it was fun. (Fun as in sarcastic fun.) One of the main reasons I don't wear jewlery is because I'm incredibly picky about what I'd wear. I like some things, don't like others. Most of the time I don't like yellow gold, but the stuff they found I actually liked. So yay, got the jewlery. (btw, white gold is bueatiful, which is why that's what my class ring is as well as some other jewlery. I also like silver, but it makes me itchy if it's not nice silver. I blame that on my mom. Bloody genetics.)
I need to schedual a hair appointment. I want my hair up in a sort of twist. When I got it done for homecoming last year my hair was too long/thick for that. It's still hella thick (again, blame genetics) but it's not so long. So they should be able to pull it off. Maude is my date, for lack of a better date and for not wanting to go stag, and she has a weding to attend that day. So we may go to the wedding, eat dinner, then head off to the ball. whee eek blaugh who knows? I have to talk to her about it. I know we'll be spending the night up in Seattle. Mom doesn't want us driving home afterwards that late. So we'll prolly go shopping the next morning. mrgreen Pike's place market! Wootness! <(^_^< wink (>^_^)><(^_^< wink (>^_^)> It'll be a lot of fun. The location is amazing. I wrote the story on it for the newspaper, and the class officers who visited it were all so excited. ^_^ I don't know where tomorrow's prom's being held, though. I'll have to ask Maude about it on Sunday. Her and Austin are going all goth like, because Austin's playing a goth in a play beforehand, and he figured it would be easier just to keep the look for the following dance. Can't say I blame him. Anyway, Maude went and got a second dress, this one's PINK (I can't believe Maude bought something pink) with black over it, so it almost looks red. It's that trashy goth style, that I don't really like, but I'm not telling her that, and she'll still look hot in it.
I got some scholarship from the school district, but I have to go to an awards night to find out which one. All I know is I ******** up the first interview I did for scholarships really bad, and didn't get any of those. I screwd up really, really bad. *bangs head* not smart. I don't remember if there was a reason. Probably just not thinking that day. It happens.
Tim's all worried about how I'm affording college. He's hassling me about scholarships, and about how I need to get more money from them. I'm actually done applying. If I don't get anything else, so be it. I don't give a damn. I prolly will ten years for now when I pay off those student loans, but I just don't want to handle it right now. I'd rather worry about other things, like passing quals and prepairing for the Japanese final. I don't want to think about the rest of it. I just want to take out the loans. If Tim is so worried, put it under my name. I'll do it under my name, so be it. Just lay off and let me do my thing. College is worth the money, and it's not like you're going to be paying for Jenny, Terra, or maybe even Patricia. So just let me do this.
Okay, off the soap box for that one. I think tonight I'll throw in the Scarlet Pimpernel again and sungle up to watch it. I haven't seen it since Scott's house and I could really use a good, light hearted movie. I'm turning into my mom, needing happy movies to get to bed. Gah, that's disheartening. And worrying. And now I'm wondering if all those years my mom went to bed to movies because it was a good distraction from life. xp Damn. Can't believe I never thought of that. I'm a moron.
Anyway. Justin sent me an e-mail after we talked. Want to know what it said?
"Dear <insert my name>,
I can't... I just can't talk to you anymore. It's complicated. I'm sorry. I
wanted to tell you, rather then just dissapearing. Dissapearing would be easier
but I thought you deserved to hear it from me.
A lot of things have happened in the past couple of months. I can't talk about
any of them. Not allowed and I promised.
This is really upsetting for me. You're.. one of the only friends I really have.
I wish I could tell you more, but I don't want to hurt you and I'm not allowed
to anyway. I'm sorry.
So last time I shared something he wrote to me I got yelled at. Probably for good reason. Granted, I believe I had good reason, too. It's one of thsoe no one wins senerios, so why bicker over it? Anyway, since he's not talking to me, he won't yell at me, and copy and paste is easier then describing. Not to mention, now you don't get my biased opinion on the matter. You can form your own biased opinions, which will probably support mine, or rush over it. Since mine's kinda weird. Like, you probably wouldn't expect it.
I'm sad that he's gone, but other than slight remorse, I kinda don't care. It's like, after I read that I though, "Huh, that's odd. I wonder what I should say." Then I wrote him a not so nasty letter. Then I wrote him another on Sunday, because I remembered that I owed him a CD, but since I couldn't get one to him I just recommended Chemical Romance. And now? I don't know. I kinda regret not asking a few questions, only because I'd been wondering about a few things. For awhile. And a part of me, now a very small part of me, wants to throw something in his face. Unfortunately for that part I'm not really that big of a b***h, so I'll suck it up. But it's weird. It's like... actually can't tell you about that. Which bugs me because I want to tell someone, prolly should have told Justin just to get it off my back (he offered to listen), so that I could have told someone, but I don't just like bitching to people.
That's it. Scott doesn't normally talk about himself, he just listens a lot. Justin's been doing that. And it pisses me off. I can talk about myself to anyone, and for some reason a lot of people like to listen (Honestly, I can't be that interesting, but I know how to command the attention of a crowd) however, I hold to the belief that if you're my friend, act like it. Talk to me, too. Scott didn't used to do that. I think there's more to the whole similarity thing, but that's a part.
Anyway, back to the point. It's like I have this problem, or rather someone else does, but it's been solved. It's not really an issue anymore, it won't do anything or come back and haunt us, or even be there. Just like that, poof, gone. But just knowing this fact, while it doesn't desturb me, or worry me, it makes me uneasy. And I can't really do anything, because there's nothing to be changed/fixed/dealt with. I can't do anything, and there's nothing wrong. But it still kinda nags at me. So there's mainly two parts of my brain talking right now. One, which is much simpler, says, "Okay, well, now I don't have to worry about that s**t."
The other: (two voices, one's a real jack a**, forgive it.)
"Holy crap. He dumped me."
"No, wait, we weren't an item, he couldn't have dumped me."
"That's good, because I've never been dumped, and it would kind of suck."
"Well, yeah, but remember how you said you just wanted to be friends? You agreed on that? Apparently he doesn't want that. That would kind of suck, eh?"
"Oh, yeah. Holy crap. He doesn't even want to be friends with me. WTF."
" rolleyes But wait, he does. rolleyes It's just he promised." ::hint, that's all sarcasim.::
"Promised who? ********. Promised who?"
"That's part of his life, we don't talk about his life. It's confidential."
"You know, talking to him it sounds like there might actually be reasons."
"You know, he set those reasons up one way or another, he agreed to them, and in the end, you weren't that important."
"Face it, in the end, you weren't that important."
And that's the brain I'm trying to shove a fork into. It's actually working, which bothers me a little, but there's still resentment. Because it's kinda true. Okay, it's completely true. And that bugs me. But at the same time, I'm okay with it. Hell, I knew it. I've known it since he blew off talking to me for a week to play a video game. And that was months ago. And I've more or less been okay with his s**t for about two months (estimating, I actually don't have a clue, I have it written down in a journal somewhere, though), ever since I realized I'd get over him. Funny how that realization finally got me over him. Like over night. Well, obviously not completely, but for the most part. Twas odd.
But I still feel awkward. Like there's something I should be doing about it. I know there's nothing, but I still feel like I should be doing something about it. At least feeling distressed or horribly sad. I couldn't even complain to much about it to Maude. Actually, I complained a lot, but it wasn't just Justin. It was a lot about life, situations, and how I was dealing with them. Justin just happened to be tossed into the mix.
On that note, I'm so ready for water polo to be over. I'm ready for school to be over. My job kinda signify's the next stage in life, moving on, and all of that. I finished up the culminating project on Wednesday after I passed my final speach. Ta da, done. Just like that. Now I just have to do the last issue of the paper, keep up in gov (easy), do my math, pass quals and do decent on the Japanese final. No sweat. This is what I'm good at. Except for quals, in which case I'm scared. I would wish for lab partners, but I always end up with shitty ones who are either worse than me or let me do all the work. Is it too much to ask for to have some increadibly smart person around to help me out? Okay, it is. I'll give you that. But how about a decent person who can work with me to help me out, but still let me learn on my own and help him/her out, too? I'd take that. I'd enjoy that. No such luck, though.
I can't wait for college. Less than three months now and i'll be in the dorms. It's for sure that I'm taking Chinese now, which should be cool. hopefully I'll get good classes and things will go well. Hopefully life will just stay on track and I'll be up to par.
Just logged onto the campus website... it said something about menegites, I read it through. I've actually had that as a baby, so I don't konw if I need to worry about it, having been treated/vacinated and all. I should prolly ask someone. Huh, just mentioning it.
What else? I don't know. Kinda playing around on the website at the moment. And sorry about any and all typos, I've corrected the things I've seen, but I haven't been paying particularily close atteniton to mistakes. Crap, missed the pushups for yesterday because I wasn't watching the clock. I have to be careful not to slack on those else I won't make the month's 20. >.<
Good news, though, I haven't missed anything for school. I do need to call the office though and ask when/if I need to take a placement test for Japanese. *makes a note to do that soon.* I'll find out about what houseing arrangment I have around June 15th, my birthday ^_^ Which should be cool. That should be a good day. *plans to go see Batman Begins.* I hope it's a good movie, it'll be really spiffy if it is, annoying if it isn't. And Maude's mum went and got us kaboki tickets for the previous Saturday! That's a Japanese performance thing, really nice to watch. It'll be so cool. *dances up and down again.* I'm going to be so busy these next few weeks! It should be worth it, though.
*sighs* I think I'll head out. It seems like a good time to snuggle up with Hot chocolate and my movie. Tonight would have been a good sleep over night, I think, except then I wouldn't have written all of this, would've I? I prolly left out a lot of stuff, but aw well. If you have any questions it's easy to reach me. ^_^
p.s. Scott, do not post some long, should-be-its-own-entry reply. I didn't read the last one, not going to, and I'm not really too interested about what you have to say about Justin. If I was I would have talked to you about it. Just thought I'd tell you now. Anywho, ttyl ^_^
that's why you didn't write my any reviews aw well. *huggles Kikuo anyway* Tell me how prom went, because I prolly won't see you until afterwards. ^_^View User's Journal
Auliro's Wonderous World of... Nothing You Care About ^_^
So... I haven't writen it yet so I don't know what this is about. But I like to rant, and ramble, and talk to myself. I suppose those will be major factors. I'm also fond of bragging, cause I'm kinda arrogant, so that will probably be there, too. Wha
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got a new avi. This one's done with
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It wasn't about Justin, the whole thing was about you actually- and it was really rather nice and complimentary and saying what a wonderful person you were and why just because I thought such things should be interjected into the argument with yourself I knew you were having (the whole you got dumped conversation bit). It was probobly two-three pages of that.
I edited it to a shorter version because, in reading Davids post, I decided that even if I WAS writing about you, and not Justin, you really probobly don't want commentary any ways.
I'd glare at you, but the truth is I made some poor assumptions last week that I'll talk to you about some time in person- if I make this post to long you might not read it either and it's a some-what lenghty explination.