So tonight was the awards night to honor seniors for all sorts of different things. One of those is for grades, simple stuff. If you have a 3.5 or better you get an honor cord, and I got that, so I recieved the invite. Granted, a lot of others got it, too, so in my mind it's been kinda a "yeah, so what? It's only a 3.5 affair." However, my parents are fond of such events, so I humored them and actually told them it was being held, then proceeded to go to it. (only because I didn't have to work. Which is sad, when I think about it. My mum really likes these things.) Anyway, we go, we sit, we listen to many awards handed out. I know I'm only in the running for one of them, I'm not invloved in the right leadership programs to get any of those awards, nore am I in keyclub, nor have I done well enough in sports. So the only thing of value that I could get is the Japanese student of the year award. This has been a toss up in my mind, because it was either me or Kathy who was going to get it. I've been more involved with Japanese, I'm the club president, won the scholarship, and other key things, but Kathy knows the lanuage better, she's also a club officer, she's incredibly smart and a wonderful person, in and out of class. We were both good candidates.
It wasn't a surprize when the annoucer person read Kathy's name.
It was a surprize when she proceeded to win mine. I believe my thoughts were something along the lines of "Crap, she got t--what the?"
Turns out Sensei couldn't choose and we both got it. Go us! At the same time I kind of had this little voice saying "how fitting. It would have been awkward to actually have won an award by myself this year." I have been a leader in four clubs, but it's always co-something or other, I have lettered in water polo, gotten the bassic "I'm smart" academic stuff, a few scholarships, a couple scattered awards, but none of it really astounds me. Not that I'm unhappy with what I have, it's a hell of a lot more than most people, I'm just kind of thinking "Well, that's it. Could have done better." So while I'm not disapointed, I'd like to have done more in some way to get a few more things. What would I have done? Not sure. But more.
*bangs head on something* Which is really stupid, because I've done fine. I've done more than fine. And I've made a difference in a lot of ways. So I really shouldn't give a damn about a few certificates, but alas, I do. Which again, is stupid.
So yeah, today was actually a good day. Very laid back. Even the awards ceremony was laid back. Other than the Japanese award everything went as planned. With the exception of handing out the honor cords/academic award folders with several certificates in them I sat in my chair and clapped a lot. Kind of reminds me of the water polo banquet (if you'd call it a banquet) which was, to say the least, disapointing. You should all know by now I don't like my coach, and as it turns out he's not a good public speaker. That doesn't help when you're leading the awards. Oh, and he didn't say anything about the players as indiviuals, either. He hardly said anything about Kristy, who won the captin's award, the most inspirational award, the mvp award, and the ironman award. Here's our best player, and he had nothing to say. Except for, maybe, that she wrote a really nastly letter about him and gave it out to all the girls on the team. And while we didn't see it as just a nasty letter, but as a way to inspire us and keep us together (because it was after a really bad game where coach was quite a p***k). I doubt that would have been appropriate. He actually spent more time talking about why we had the awards than about the people who won them.
But yes, back to the today was a good day. Nothing really went right, but it was a good day. I shouldn't say nothing went right, I'm rather certain I know what my unknown is in quals. Or at least my first one. I think it's Nickle. ^_^ I'm about 80% sure. I need that 20% though before I turn it in. You only get one chance to identify the unknown, and it's for 100 points. If I get it right I have 1/3 of my grade in the bag. Not going to explain how they grade it, it gets a wee bit tricky, and I don't feel like writing out that much math. At least not on a keyboard. Maybe on paper, because it's easier to make the math signs. Or just numbers. *Shrugs* I only need to identify three of them. However the awards get more and more tricky as time goes on. The first only has one cation, the second two, the third? Who knows! We have to find out, you see. With any luck it will be easish. Let's hope Barber gives me easy stuff. (okay, not easy, but not too imposible, either. While I'd like a bunch of group 1 and two things, I'll take on a group 3. Maybe a 4. ^_^)
Yeah, so, I didn't go to school yesterday. I decided at about 1a.m. that I didn't want to. I actually decided a few things at that time. One of them was that not being able to get to sleep sucks. Another was that maybe watching movies doesn't help. If I'm tired enough it will, but you see I haven't been that tired. Or perhaps not the right kind of tired. Especially nights that I work on. A lot of times I'll be really tired after school, from only have 5-6 hours of sleep the night before. So I'll end up taking an hour nap before work, than going to work, then coming home and doing god knows what (reading, watching a movie, or getting online mostly) normally putting me in bed at midnight. Then I lie around for one to two hours until I fall asleep. To wake up from 6:30-7:30, and then go back to school. Most days I stay after school for some reason. Today: last Japanese club. I'm hoping that since I didn't take a nap today (Because I slept a lot yesterday) I'll be able to go to bed at a reasonable time.
Wednesday was nice, though. I could just sleep in, then get up and do whatever I wanted. It was like a day of summer. I worked that night, though, which was fine. I was rested for it. I also did some chores, which was nice, because when I'm not sleepy or busy or rushed I don't mind doing chores. I actually like vacuming. Not sure why, but it's my favorite chore. That and organizing things.
Random note: my foot just fell asleep. stare
Yeah, so, I had a reason I started up this entry, don't remember it, though. I forget a lot of stuff. Normally it's trivial. I like to think that I remember the important things.
I planned to go jogging yesterday. I wanted to jog after school, but then I didn't go to school. If I wake up early enough tomorrow maybe I can jog then. Then meaning after school. I have to wake up early enough to dress for it. Meaning find reasonable jogging clothes. If it's nice again (no gaureentees, Washington's gone back to it's habbit of changing it's mind over which season it is) I think I'll wear shorts. I only have one pair currently that I like, so that narrows down the which to wear bit. I think I even know where they are. Go me. I haven't run in such awhile, well, not long amounts. My friend Nathan and I have taken to playing tag when we feel like it. Unfortunately he's both taller and faster than I am. It means longer arms and a good head start. I have yet to win. *sighs* maybe with enough excersize. rolleyes aw well, I beat him at chess.
We had our last chess club meeting Tuesday, Mr. Andriotii was showing my friend David (who will be the best player next year) a set up that no one's shown me (grr) but actually looks really cool. So what I'd like to do is have some friends I wouldn't mind playing around with to practice it. Unfortunately I don't really want to hang out with Nathan over the summer, and Scott sucks at chess. (don't bother arguing that point, you really do.) Actually, when I'm awake and paying attention (not worrying over time or paying more attention to my friends) I have no problems creaming Nathan, either. David was a challenge. He's a game ahead of me and has a lot of potential. That was fun. The seniors from last year (or at least three of them) kicked my a**. And everyone else's for that matter. I beat Alex once, that was cool. Stalemated David, which was really cool. (David's a genius. Probably litterally.) I think that if we had people with us who actually cared, who were better than me, and who wanted to improve, I could have gotten a lot better. But, seeing how I was either the best or second best in the club, and my only contender was only there half the time, it wasn't the best learning experience. But over all it was a good year.
*Sighs* I think I'm going to go soon, I need either a shower or a bath. It's kind of a toss up at the moment. I know that in the end I'd rather take the shower, but the bath always seems like the more comfortable, lazy method. Funny thing is it's not particularily comfortable, and I don't really like soaking it hot water. Unless it's cold. Which it's not. Today is one of the actual summer days. Well, I think it sprinkled a little, but it wasn't like yesterday that was hard core raining. Or was that Tuesday? I think Tuesday was the really hard rain and yesterday was the continuous drizzle. Gotta love Washington.
I know what I did yesterday (been trying to remember). Slept till 10, got up and online for an hour, then back to bed till noon. Got up, did some laundry, started to clean the living room. Maybe watched a little TV. Talked to Ian like five different times (he was bored and calling around. Needed someone to talk to about some stuff. Twas interesting.) Skimmed my new zodiac book (read the signs I care about Tuesday. Got a kick out of Gemini and Scorpio. Turns out I know a lot from each sign. Most of them don't match up. Some do. Funny how the ones that do are the reasons I'm reading it.) I read some of the part on Aries to Ian to take his mind off things. He found it amusing. when I have time I'll take it over to his house so he can skim it. When will that be, though? Me? Free time? Ha! At least not for another week or so. Actually once school is over my days will prolly go down to 6-8 hours of business. Until I plan out an excersize plan, Japanese study and social stuff. Chelsea said she's interested in being my jogging partner. Yay! It's always more fun with a partner. I'm in a bit better shape than her, but she'll get there. She used to be so much better than me. But that was 9th grade.
I want to swim, too, but I'm not sure where. Our school's pool is closed for the moment. Might go down town instead. I didn't get the YMCA pass because I don't want to spend the money. I'll figure something out, though. It shouldn't be too hard. I don't like to swim with other people unless we're doing games or something, so I'll only have to pay for myself. I wanted to do the water polo league at the Y this summer, but it costs a lot, and I'd have to take the time off work. I don't really want to do that. Besides, I'm a little tired of polo, I need a break. I'm tired of some of the people and most of their drama. I'm so looking forward to college. Even if there's just as much drama and crap, at least it will be with new people and I can pretend for a few months that they're not so bad.
Not that everyone's bad, a lot of them are good, but it only takes a few. And we have a few.
I keep wanting to call someone and not knowing who it I want to call. Like every time I pick up the phone I go over the possible people and cross everyone out for one reason or another. Sometimes I know they won't be home, sometimes I don't want to deal with them, sometimes I just know that I want to talk to someone else. I end up stairing at the phone a lot. I suppose it would help if Maude was up to talking more over the phone. She's really not good at that. And since she's the person I'm most open with it doesn't leave me a lot of options when I just need to talk. She's the only person I know that I can tell just about everything to. Well, not everything, but just about. Everyone else is limited. Like I don't talk about my love life (or lack there of) to Ian. Don't talk about other people's problems to Chelsea. Don't talk about personal problems not mentioned above to Mandy (though love life is an open topic). Don't talk about school to a lot of people. I actually cut back on most complaining or worrying to most people. Unless I'm in a real chatty mood I don't go into depth on what's bugging me to anyone but Maude. You see, not only does she really care, but she talks to me, too. Not on special ocations when she just happens to feel like it, but all the time.
Everyone else is kinda seperated into different groups. I'm not going to list them all out, because there're categories and subcategories developing in my head, but they're not in the near-completely-open category.
Hey, I'm tired. ^_^ That's a good thing. I'm thinking I'll go lay things out for tomorrow so that I don't forget them--again. Turns out skipping a day of school throws you off. (must also remember to get a note. Because I had permission not to go to school.) And I should prolly wake up in time to get to school when it normally starts so that I can do my math during the fifth period block. We have short periods tomorrow for the senior assembly, and I have two assignments due. They're easy, but still due.
So long,
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Auliro's Wonderous World of... Nothing You Care About ^_^
So... I haven't writen it yet so I don't know what this is about. But I like to rant, and ramble, and talk to myself. I suppose those will be major factors. I'm also fond of bragging, cause I'm kinda arrogant, so that will probably be there, too. Wha
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Congratulations on the Japanese Award, it's always a nice thing to get honored for an accomplishment.
Pretty much all the pools in P-town are down atm... ::Using odd language for no reason::
And I always fall into "Never answers the phone" so that doesn't make calling poor old insignificant me easy... though I speak better face to face than on the phone (That in part is a lie, but I'm letting it fly)
Well I look forward to reading your next entry... ^^