So, yeah. I have a new AIM away message: "Why can't people make the bad days worse and leave the good days well enough alone?" I figured it fit how I was feeling when I threw up an away message before getting to work on a few things.
I'm actually kinda tired right now, so I'm not going to talk too much. Some notes, though. Twas my first day of work, that went well ^.^ I got to learn how to do a few things, like make tacos and fry shells and stuff. Didn't actually eat anything while there, though, because I wasn't hungry when I took my break. I was there for three hours, though, and by the end of it I was very hungry, and surrounded by food. That's a particularily not cool combination. Meh, I'll live. Things went well. Thank you Chelsea for helping to get me the job.
I was actually hoping to spend the night at Maude's house, that didn't pan out. And now Ian's on the phone so I'll write more later.... xd
Edit: Off the phone, and I've had time to think. Twas just going over something in my head and thought I'd share a few thoughts with you. Anywho, let's talk about water polo for a moment.
For some reason, I really don't know why, my arm huts. It's my right arm, of course, that's the one with all the problems. However, this is different than any problems I've had before. Different part of my arm and shoulder is acting up, and instead of a dull/sharp/aching pain (yeah, those three can go together) it's a pinch. In my elbow and sholuder. I could show you where, but I won't bother describing it. But this is important because today I didn't swim much. The whole stroking motion just wasn't worth it. Instead I practiced treading, then coach put me with the JV girls to work. (this is are assistant coach, btw. Our real one went off to watch a water polo game against the girls we'll have to play. There's a play off game with us vrs. whoever lost the game coach was watching.) Anyway, we were practicing handleing presure, and I was working with two girls, Kim and... Krista? No, that's not it. I can picture her face, but I don't remember her name. Was it Kendle? I think that may have been it. She's not as important to the story, though.
Now I don't like Kim. There's a number of reasons I don't like her, I find her to be one of those snotty girls who like to act as if they're better than you (bad description, I know, it's too vague). She's a sophomore, and she's in my sister's 4H club, so I've known her for a bit. She's always been a bit of a brat. Okay, a lot of a brat. And a drama queen. Mostly she's just annoying. Generally I ignore her.
Today wasn't that day, though. Because I know how to handle myself under presure (I just tread harder than the other guy. I have the advantage of being able to do that) coach had me play defence. He told me to give it 100%, but the girls wouldn't take my word for it when I told them to swim away from the wall so that I didn't push them into it. I decided not to tread as hard as I could, because I didn't want them that close to the wall. They got there, so you know, I just took my time about pushing them back. Kendle took my suggestions and advice thankfully, and actually worked on what I mentioned to her. Kim took it grudgingly, and didn't really listen to what I said, and mucked most of it up. Oh, and I kicked her a** in our little drill thing. She couldn't get off a good set with me defending her. She wouldn't do the whole ripple motion that I was trying to show her, and that's was really the only way she would have been able to do anything with me on her like I was.
But, that's just the prologue. Now we get to our little half court scrimage. I was playing hole because once again I was with the JV. It's a nice way to take it easy. On a side note I'd like to say that I don't mind playing with JV. It gives me a chance to help the underclassmen while at the same time gives me easier people to learn against. Having just started playing field this year, I'll openly admit that I need a lot of work. Tons of work. And when the JV kids on my teams have their heads on strait it's actually good practice. It's definately good practice at affencive hole, because I'm not sure what I'm doing when I play that. Defence I have down, and might I add that in our game yesterday I was doing very well, but affence gives me trouble.
Yeah, anyway, so after a good while of play where my team had been offence, we switched to defence. Another girl who's name I forget even though she's been on my team for two years (I'm bad with names, and she's one of the juniors who look alike) was playing offensive hole. I was shutting her down rather nicely (by the way, it's not that easy when I play with the varisty. I'm only being cocky because these girls aren't that great. While I'm a good defender against varsity, I'm not great). So eventually, Kim gets the bright idea that she wants to play hole. You know, have a go at me. Whatever. So she takes postion, and I shut her down right away, getting in her way so that she can't even swim to where she needs to be. I immideately start treading against her (did this with the other girl, too). And I'm strong enough that I keep her at the 5 meter when she really needs to be at the 2, and I get in her way if she tries to swim around me. So she decides to use this trick that sometimes works int he water. She grabs my arm and pulls it down, which often forces your defender to go down with it, and generally makes things hard for them.
To explain my reaction I'd like to explain something else. I have the strongest tread on my team. Not to be arrogant, but I do. I may suck at swimming (I don't, really, I'm just not as good as the fast girls) and get screwed up on some of our plays, but if you try to go against me with treading, you better be good. Kim isn't good. Kim is kinda bad for a water polo player. Not to say there aren't worse, but she's not good. And I really get annoyed with people play dirty. Especially against their own team. So what do I do? I treaded harder, lifting my hand up (because she's not even strong enough to keep it under water) and show our lovely ref what's she's doing (of course she lets go) then I tread up high, and push hard, and say into her ear, which is coviently right in front of me "You grab my arm again and I'll just tread harder." She says something, I don't remember what, but it's along the lines of "Like I care." Except I remember that it sounded a bit like what I said next, after she did a dramatic dip into the water to try to make it look like I was drowning her (which obviously wasn't called considering the fact that my arms were out of the water and not on her). I had said "Yeah, but you're not getting the ball, either." This pissed her off. Seriously. Probably because I said it in a condisending, mocking, and agrivating tone. That might have had something to do with it. But I was amused enough not to care. Still am. That's probably not a good thing.
Anyway, so on the next play, she comes charging at me, I meet her at the five meter again, stop her from progressing forward, steer her towards the outside of the set up, and basically dominate things. She's pissed though, and starts acting like I'm shoving her or pushing her or whatever. Sometimes if you act well enough they call something. This normally works if your defender is holding onto you. I rarely hold onto the person I'm gaurding, it just makes things messy. I kept my arms up and nothing was called. She tried to swim around me, I shut her down. She tried to push past me, I didn't budge. She reached out and pushed my face under water, and I approprietly went down, because hey, she was pushing my face and fighting that might get me hurt. Going with a not very strong attack by a pissed off girl just got my face wet and her a brutality, if it were a game. It wasn't a game, so instead the coach just made the call, shouted "what happened?" (she didn't just shove me under water) and Kim stormed off out of the pool and away to whereever, leaving me to tread there and think "Huh, that was odd," while everyone else just sat around confused.
Anywho, basically to sum it up, a team mate struck out at me in the water because I pissed her off (and yes, I kinda meant to. Bad me). That pissed everyone else on the team off, and oh, the questions that followed. Coach wanted to know what happened and if I was okay. I insisted I was fine, because I was. Barely hurt at all. The girls wanted to know what happened. I told the story as I told it to you, without the "I don't like Kim" part. I let them say mean nasty things about her, kinda agreed on some, kinda defended her on others. Twas interesting. However my sneaky way at getting back at her isn't the point.
The point is that I didn't really care that she was a b***h to me. And I was just thinking that that was odd. I mean, I was amused by her actions, I was amused be how the team reacted, but I didn't really care about Kim. Abby came up to me afterwards and explained that she had talked to Kim and that Kim was just going through a lot, and was stressed, and didn't mean to take it out on me. I said that it was fine, I understood, and I wasn't bothered by it. I didn't add that it was pathetic that she had that little self control, or that it was encredibly stupid, but over all I didn't really care. I don't care if she doesn't appologise, or doesn't mention it again. If the whole team forgot it I'd be fine. If they chattered about it, as long as it didn't get annoying, that would be fine, too. I don't care. It's a very odd feeling.
I was telling this to Chelsea and she said something about kicking the girl's a** for doing that. It sounded like a Chelsea thing to do. I'm actually fine knowing that the team now thinks she's an imature snot. I don't need to beat her up, quite frankly she's not worth it, and I never really was one for hurting other people. And really, is that the best way to go? Besides all the legal issues that may come up, what is really the point of taking revenge out of on someone physically? I wouldn't feel any better. It wouldn't serve any purpose. It might knock Kim down to size, but then she'd whine about it, very loudly, for a very long time. So I don't know. Mostly I just hav ea nuetral feeling on this one.
Oh, and I burnt my arm at work from hot greese. Off topic, I know, but it hurt for the last few hours, and now it's a red splotch on my arm. I looked down and saw this funny red splotch and thought I'd mention it.
And I'm tired. I'm going to change the laundry around and go to bed. Night all!
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Auliro's Wonderous World of... Nothing You Care About ^_^
So... I haven't writen it yet so I don't know what this is about. But I like to rant, and ramble, and talk to myself. I suppose those will be major factors. I'm also fond of bragging, cause I'm kinda arrogant, so that will probably be there, too. Wha
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got a new avi. This one's done with