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The Universal Rune
Rune's journal - mostly used for rants, worklists and the like.
I'm cursed!!!!
*mutters evil things under her breath* I swear, everytime I get a few decent hours to work on MY stuff, something comes up or goes wrong. This week it was my dad breaking his leg, my cousin moving out of my Grandma's house to get his own place, and my own knee swelling up. So the Konokai lineart is STILL sitting in my stupid sketchbook. Even worse, Photobucket isn't taking new free accounts for a while, so I can't make a special one for 'em until they do. Which means I have to give my colorists access to my personal account. *growls* And my computer ATE Ravenbrooke's banners - and the special 'this is what her name comes from' post - and the rest of the family post. So I get to go find the Heiraldic script in my stack of novel stuffs and create it again. Joy.

On the upside, I'm here, and I have a couple hours now - yay!!!! *runs to go do everything* Whoot!

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Oct 18, 2004 @ 11:10pm
Poor Rune... Walk under any ladders recently? whee Don't worry, just joking.

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