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The Universal Rune
Rune's journal - mostly used for rants, worklists and the like.
Hee hee, finally some good news!!!
Yay!!!! Just talked to both my colorists, and I'll be sending the stuff in to them soon - so KONOKAI!!! And presents!!! *laughs* I've been going stir-crazy at school, 'cause I don't want to draw anything new until I get this stuff done. Ended up writing a rather lame / sappy story that involved IC Rune, her current kids, a pair of Banir Kinder I don't have but would like to and a Noir ACC pair of Kirika and Mirelle. Of course, they were all strangely kids for some reason - gah, it was so sappy. Which led to a horribly lame picture of Mirelle and Kiri using my CD as a reference. So they looked scary. And I was irritated 'cause a friend borrowed my Noir DVDs, so I can't watch 'em. Ah, well, inking and RP time. The banners WILL be done!!!

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