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View User's Journal

The Universal Rune
Rune's journal - mostly used for rants, worklists and the like.
Oooookay . . . it's the first!
Decided I needed one of these 'cause it's something to write in, and being a writer, well, it's kind of a duh. Not that it'll have any of my 80+ novel / movie / TV show / manga jibberish in here - if people really want some of that, I'll find another place to put it. Not that most people will.

Let's see, in Rune news, RL is kind of messed up. I was offline for three or four days while a) I was sick with a headcold, b) the family decided to take the comp EVERY TIME I managed to get on, c) I'm managing our house, a dad with a broken leg, my grandma's house, my cousin and my neice, my brother's chores since he's in a play, my Mom 'cause her new business is driving her nuts, a full load of classes, and two clubs. On the up side, one of my reports on Oedipus Rex is getting submitted for the college outstanding writers' contest as a scholarly paper, with a prize of 100 dollars if I win. And I've had lots of drawing time, so I'm improving, and I have lots of cool new stuff. And I went to an anime convention, so I gots new stuff, including the ROD television series, DVD #1. It rocks!!

Hmmmm, not much else to post. Gotta go fix dinner, then work on my To-Do list.

Rune's Gaia To-Do list:

arrow Make sure all the Konokai are ready and inked.
arrow Find the Korini Avi art I did a week ago. sweatdrop
arrow Set up the Konokai Journals and Guild.
arrow Give out all the gifties I made while bored.

That's all for now - Ja ne!

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Rain McColville
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Oct 15, 2004 @ 05:40pm
Sounds tough, hope I'm not a part of the stress you seem to be piling up. You should read my journal, I'm afraid to write up a to do list because it may take over the whole computer. sweatdrop

Hang tough babe, Saterday is tomarrow, and I'll get to see you in all your radient beautyness. xd

Oh, you are coming to my birthday party right?

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