On the outskurts of a small town, far, far out in the country, a farmer was tending to his crops.
He smiled to himself, watering the seeds he had planted only yesterday. He thought about how he and his loving daughter would be shopping together in the town market today. Thinking of his daughter, he began to sing.
"You're not alone,
there is more to this I know.
You can make it out,
you will live to tell."
Suddenly he turned to the sound of two men attacking each other.
"Don't touch him! I'll kill you!" one of them shouted.
The other man laughed cruely as they fought for a dagger- and suddenly it all faded, slowly, into blackness.
Millen wouldn't be seeing his daughter today...
Community Member
It's only the prologue, and I'm already a fan XDDDD
Poor Millen crying He's deaaaaad O____O Millen only lived for 12 sentences, but still. He was awesome.