damn. i totally stuffed up my english oral. not that i was expecting anything better. anyway i really want to read the last book from the harry potter series. ive asked nhzilkia cauz she won the raffle or watever to borrow it first. she said i could borrow it. ok. i dont have anything better to say. sweatdrop
Hey, you didn't do that badly! Good luck getting it off nhizilkia - she probably wont be obsessive and read it and finish it in a night. So you'll probably have to wait.. blaugh
I-art-e-miza-I Community Member
Wed Aug 01, 2007 @ 10:48am
nope, i finshed it in about an hour or two...it was pretty interupted reading until i got home ... sorry about not lending it to you mei, but i was away for a week...and they only let you borrow it for a week...i thought that was stupid. i would've though mpost people would have bought the book...