. What time did you get up this morning? 7:40 am
2. Diamonds or pearls. pearls
3. What was the last film you saw at the movies? Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
4. What are your favorite TV shows? survivor, gilmore girls
5. What do you like for breakfast? Dinner leftovers
6. What is your middle name? Hint: three letter word
7. What is your favorite cuisine? varies. Depends on my mood
8. What foods do you dislike? Chicken/mushrooms/a lot
9. What is your favorite chip flavor? BBQ
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? my mixed one
11. What are your favorite dances? forget what it's called... do it with ska rock music where basically you just move however it feels like you should.
12. What type of car do you drive? Ford
13. Favorite sandwich? Ham and cheese
14. What characteristic do you despise? I'd have to think on it. I know there're several.
15. Favorite clothing? depends on the day
16. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you
go? Japan if I'm by myself or with a select few people, Europe with anyone else.
17. What color is your bathroom? blue and white
18. What is your favorite brand of clothes? don't have one
19. Where would you retire to? washington coast or Japan
20. Favorite time of the day? varies
21. What was your most memorable birthday? 10
22. Where were you born? A military base
23. Favorite sport to watch? Water polo
24. Person you expect to send it back first? not sending it out
25. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? Funny, my sister said me. She's right.
26. What fabric detergent do you use? what my mom buys.
27. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
28. Are you a morning person or a night owl? lately, morning bird
29. What is your shoe size? guys: 8
30. Do you have any pets? yes, cats & dogs
31. Any new and exciting news you would like to share with
family/friends? no...
32. What did you want to be when you were a child ? I actually couldn't decide
33. What time is it? 5:43
34. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Hint: there are three of them.
35. Nicknames: sadly, none. Well, there are some, but they're not widely used.
36. What was your favorite TV show growing up? Darkwing duck
37. Eye Color: Hazel
38. Ever been toilet papering? no, that would be a waste of toilet paper
39. Love someone so much it made you cry? uh, you'd have to be more specific as to they why you cried part.
40. Been in a car accident? Yes
41. Crouton or bacon bits? bacon bits
42. Favorite day of the week: Saturday
43. Favorite restaurant: can't decide
44. Favorite flower: tiger lily
45. Favorite drink ? hot chocolate or water
46. Favorite Ice Cream: Chunky Monkey (ben and jeries)
47. Disney or Warner Brothers: Disney
48. Last had dinner with: Family
49. How many times did you fail your drivers license test? written 1, drive: none (keep in mind I had never opened the book thing for the written and the only questions I got wrong were the stupid "how many feet before..." ones)
50. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? a scholarship website
51. Which store would you choose to max our your credit card? none. I don't ever want my credit card, once I get one, maxed
52. What do you do most often when you are bored? a lot. I work to not be bored
53. Bedtime: 9pm-12pm
54. Who are you most curious about their responses? if I were to send this out? I'm not sure.
56. What are you listening to right now? nothing. KGRG would be my choice
57. What is your favorite color? I'm actually getting into fall colors like browns, oranges, and certain reds. like falling leaves, kinda.
58. Lake, ocean or river: river's mouth/ocean
59. How many tattoos do you have? none
60. What is your favorite sport in which to participate? Water polo
61. What is your favorite perfume or after shave? they make me light headed, or at least wearing perfume does. I've actually not spent much time so close to a guy with aftershave on to know if it would bug me.
62. How many people are you sending this e-mail to? none
"Paranoid? Probably. But just because your're paranoid dosen't mean
that there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."
Jim Butcher
My sister had that... I don't know if she added it or not. There are so many Butcher quotes I could tag along to it. If you've read his books post your favorite! *goes off to search for my favorite* I'll post it later
*On question 18 I won my first hand of poker on my dad's name. Had a full house. Go me! Beat someone with a flush! *dances happily*
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Auliro's Wonderous World of... Nothing You Care About ^_^
So... I haven't writen it yet so I don't know what this is about. But I like to rant, and ramble, and talk to myself. I suppose those will be major factors. I'm also fond of bragging, cause I'm kinda arrogant, so that will probably be there, too. Wha
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got a new avi. This one's done with
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Community Member
Maybe it's an ink-blot test and I'm just the poor sucker who seems to think theres really a purpose behind most of these but ... no one ever sends these with out a long CC list attatched, no one makes the important question question 1, and typically speaking come in 20, 40, or 60 questions dependant upon the authors attention span//despracy not to get caught wanting to know the answer to these questions from a certain specific person.
Crush Quiz Thingy
Much much more to the point, saves you time making up a quiz of your own and while you still have to mass e-mail it still works! Plus it's just funnier, and funny is always good. If you don't understand how it works, fill it out and at the end it tells you.
Stupid... *grumbles* Honestly, what mind set do you have to be in to make one of those? I consider myself bad on the prying into private information to figure out how the person thinks scale type thing...