Well i love my dvds whee ( Air gear vol1 and nerima daikon brothers vol1) ive seen Air gear heart in Japenes altleast 8 time i love the anime i dont think they'll make a second season but if they do i wll be thrilled but if they dont the first seasons so good it wouldnt cush me whee . the other DVD i got was Nerima Daikon Brothers vol1 heart this anime is LOL it's so funny it has panda's, singing, suits, Daikons,dancing,dream,pervyness,champain, and thats only the first 5 minuets of it. IT'S THAT GOOD! really LOL rofl . well after a a horrible halfhour of sewing my corsent fits finnally i had to fix the strapes so the would look right. lets me see wat else wat else could this super long entry need oh i know i was going to go to the beach today but it rained so sad for me. and wat else im planning on getting vols 2 &3 of air gear because one of my fav characters (agito/akito) is in vol three but i dont want to miss anything in english so im getting vol 2 to sweatdrop lol man i have to look for money before i go camping (camping to Lupin and Friends is sitting on the butts in a cabin and watching anime then going boating then seting off sarkler)
yay and lets just hope this time when somone gets excited ninja i dont end up almost getting a shiriken through my stomch u know who u r stressed (mPod) but i wont say the name. lol well thats about it so yay.
oh yay and theres some embressing pics of lupin on someone myspace and nobody beter lern lupins cakey identy ahhhhhh redface
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