ok so i have boy problems again. ok so my latest one goes like this there was this guy i met through my roomate who i had no feeling for at all im mean yay i was like hey nice face ok sure wat ever and awsome hes a cool person but i didnt blink twice at him just brushed him off as another guy that i would probly never meet again...ok so fast forward i did see him a couple time more but still nothing, then one of my friends came back early from thanxgiving break and started to hang out with him. well then he started to like her at this point still no feeling then me and the guy started to hang out and heres my prob...I think i like him i mean it not like Your the one that i want, it just like i think your cute and im not jealouse of the girl at all i just want him and her to get togather so i can stop likeing him. because hes awsome he my dude friend and im a girl who act like a guy i had no prob us just being friends but it now like i like him but suddel we talk about random crap and stuff but somtime im completly normal and other times it like all these stupid thing come out of my mouth like half flirts and i keep saying dude around him and i cant stop like i know i talk weird but not this on another note i went to a party last night witha bunch of friend and the guy and we had to do this epic pants quest were we both had to search for a pair of pants for him that when everone noticed we clicked even the girl that likes him and he like her thought we had known each other for weeks but any way my roomate before all this thought he was flirting with her and he wasnt but i was still like yay for you but now hes doing it to me and i might be melting and I DON'T MELT!!!! it getting that bad i have no idea wat to do someone help me T-T oh might i and hes the exact typ of guy i like cocky as hell skinny but not bones shaggy hair stong facial feature....discribing him is stupid grrrr
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