Ok everyone this journal is all about my fish! not about me.
ok first as i said in my last entry my fish since my father untimly passing have become my life first and for oost my goldfish braquoe who has recantly lost most of his black spots and is now mostly white and orange but that hasnt changed him he still bites, grows at an alarming rate for the size of his tank, makes annoying bubble poping sounds and is as lovable as always and i put al major questions to him (should i wear this shirt with these shorts braoque?) next is agito if u didnt hear hes had some sick pierods wich has continued but this is due to over eating alot of the time he does have medication i give to him every 3 weeks but as always hes they robin to braquoes batman, next come my bettas ribbon who as mentioned is still chilled but if u didnt know hes ssuffered from fin rot and his tail and fins have never bin the same but hes always been a sickly looking fish (like he was just in a fight and hiis tails and fis were n** and torn off) but is still one of my favroite bettas for hes amazing personality not only is he a very chilled but also hes has very loving personality when ur near him he only has eyes for you and is a very good lisner this is my halfmoon betta, next comes my regular betta Twilight who since swiching his food has shown more activity and more of his bueatiful blue color though at time i fought he was somthing of an ugly betta that has change and i always new his potanal would come out i believe he might be my first betta i might try to breed, next come one of my newest fish Jagger my delta and my most amazing betta i have ever gotten he has these amazing blue eyes and is white with red tips and streck on his body that look like red blood so i named him after on of my favroit vampire names unlik my other three bettas Jagger has a square hanging tank with a fake white lilly in it that sets his mood of mess with me and end up dead look great ,next on a sad note my crowned tail betta Kabam died and i was very said buut my dream to have all 4 kinds a bettas would not be denied and after a week i got a new betta hes my biggest darkest colored most expensive betta hes a mix of dark blues reds and green that fade out of his black body his name is Titus and seems vey forboding but i adore him. so next i will go to my kois first the twins hikaru & kaoru always togather always crazy next comes akito the top fish now since my lead fisk Guu jumped out of the pound and killed herself akito ther is not much to say about hes very adventures but also quit he dosent bully and now the newest member of what i call the pack Junper my white with black spoted koi with a orange head i just got him so i can repoort nothing ill be getting a new kio hopefully a larg koi by wednessday when a new shippment is comming in my friend randy the fish dude (what i like to call him) always gives me first pick if i show up early enough. next comes my small tank of fish my two male mollies molly and dollie yay i know pretty gay names but i wasnt planiing on geting them so i didnt really have time to give proper name but they seem to do fine togather those two are a pair of cards they were deffintly the tag team bullies/ goons of my male guppy Jasper who ill talk about now jasper is king fish he has a black body and a red tail very big for his bred but there was a almost take over by the mollies when jaspers competor and escapes goat edward died but thanks to the edition of Jaspers queen alice who is one bad mama thosee boys plus Jasper was put into there place so it goes that jasper is the king and alice is the shadow king this i think give a good persanlity of both Jasper and alice but to say a bit more alice and jasper are the perfect pair the moment i but alice bag in the bowl jasper had a automatic obssesion with her never straying to farway from the bag she very pretty also has a black boody but a dark blue tail next comes my lovley little girl bella who is very small and very quite she also completly see throught and has a very clear tail color it could be a very light yellow or green and normally you would think alice would attack her but no she acts like a big sis and bella tags after the rest of the fish like a lost puppy or a babby duck what a funny little mama she is, well if you havnt guessed their both pregnant by the devleish red tailed fiend himself jasper i was delight to discover this and i can't wait to see there fry with jaspers red tail and ALices dark blue tail i can't wait to see there fry im also curious about the whole Jasper bella combo i intend to get anothe tank 15 gallons and keep all my male fancy taill guppies there and keep my females in my smaller tank i intend to kepp some of my males and some females and give the rest to friend and if worast come to woarst us the others as feeders but i dont think ill have to do that but my next intension is to get another male guppie that has bright colors and breed him with bella and see wat i get out of it i should also say that Baroque ate my snail L so then i bought another snail M to then find out dun dun dun L was a girl and preggers and thanks to baroques huge size i had to move him into a new bigger tank L kids have survivied. this makes for a total of 15 fish and 1 large snail and lots of little snailes.
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