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I finished Fate/Stay Night last night. (only the Fate route, though. Yeah I see you laughing. No, the other 2 routes are not called Stay and Night. Nice try though.) SPOILERS ABOUND, LOLZ
This was a very good read. It made me worry in the right places, since Shirou is quite death-prone in the weirdest situations. It made me laugh in the right places, it made me depressed in the right places, it made me BAWWWWW in the right places. And I ran into a second unexpected H-scene. I didn't take any screenshots though, it wasn't really worth it. But it was better than the first. Saber needs to recharge her mana, oh ho, I like where this is going. AND it managed to keep both people in character. That was madness.
Anyway, during the final battle (hmm, you know what? I warned you people. Imma throw spoilers every which way.) between Kotomine and Shirou, I was sitting there with glazed eyes, clicking madly. Oh god, it's so climactic! #&$@!!! SHIROU DIED!! OH NEVER MIND HE'S ALIV----O SHI HE'S DEAD AGA---NOPE
I was only about 2/3 as worried about Saber and Gilgamesh. I figured it wasn't really about them, so Saber was going to pull out some magical happy Noble Phantasm that would save everyone! I got a BAD END at this point before, so I had given Saber her sheath back (no healing powers for me ;_; ) the night before. Yeah, she won. Then she destroyed the Holy Grail. Ilya was fine. But then...she disappeared. At least she finally told Shirou how she felt. I BAWWWWW'd when she was back in her own time. I wanted Saber to find a way to stay in the present. Maybe that will happen in another route. Too bad they're not translated yet.
Still, A++ would read again. And will. I want all the Tiger Stamps.
<span id="test11333369">. . .</span><br/><div id="post11333369" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;"> SEIBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA</div>

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