Er, well right now I'm basically killing time until I can call my friend ("hey how's it goin'" "good you" "i'm doing pretty gzzZZzzzzZZ" "....>8|"..late night calls ftw 8D), so I guess I'll impart unto you guise the happenings of my day.
I've basically been forced into playing on this private WoW server where everything is jacked up 50x normal. 50x experience. 50x money from quests. 50x loot. BLUES! BLUES EVERYWHERE! I'm 67 right now, and will hit 70 tomorrow if I'm not a complete failure at life. Enhancement shamans own everything. I'm like "POW STORMSTRIKE POW EARTH SHOCK WHAT YOU'RE NOT DEAD POW POW BWAHAH I'M SO COOL". But I much prefer regular WoW. I mean, that server crashes every few hours, making me lose xp and stuff I've gotten, not to mention the numerous glitches. Bah. I'm only on there because the aforementioned friend is too good for regular WoW these days. Oh well. It's not like it isn't fun. It's just overrun with 12 year olds. :/
Hmm..I've gotten about halfway through The Crucible, and it's holding my interest pretty well. It's kind of like a soap opera. "I'M 12 BUT YOU KNOW YOU LOVE ME 40 YEAR OLD MAN" "WHAT NO I SLEPT WITH YOU ONCE THAT DOESN'T MEAN I LOVE YOU" "YOUR WIFE'S A WITCH" "HELLO IT'S THE POLICE WE'VE HEARD YOUR WIFE'S A WITCH"...and so on. I need to start picking up the pace though, or I won't finish.
Next week I'm going on a faaaabulous vacation. Let's see, we're going to Yorktown and Jamestown again, then to Busch Gardens, then to the beach, and then to my grandparents' house. I guess my parents want to cram all the vacation we're going to get into 4 days. Oh well.
Ah! Said friend and I figured out how to send pictures to each other through the Wii. It's pretty cool. He has cute dogs :3 Kind of sad that most (ok, all) of my social contact is through the internet or phone. Oh well. Helps me feel a little less like an antisocial loser.
<span id="test20581259">. . .</span><br/><div id="post20581259" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;"> "so do you like any giiiiiirls?" "" "(8D) r..really?" "yeah"......"is she in our grade?" "nah" "( crying ) oh..well.. i'm not that social outside our grade so..ha..ha..(oh my god i'm going to kill myself)" I still feel ill when I think about that. :/ Guess it can't be helped. It was a good 6 months, and I always have my imaaaagination.
Oh, and that night I dreamed he told me he felt the same way. Like my subconscious was giving me a giant middle finger. Thanks a lot, subbie. Guess it was only trying to make me happy after that shock. I was so sure...I guess there'll be other guys...maybe....;_;</div>