wahmbulance IN REPORT of my self wahmbulance . (wow that first line makes no sense) after eating like 13 bowls of oatmeal i am feeling alot beter. and ive meet like 6 new friends on gaia five from fishing and finding out we all like the same anime and 1 heart Yoailovr heart from the fourms lol he so spaztastic yay. hmm let me c wat else is new oh i know my tadpole r fine if u dont know the story behind that well it goes 1yr ago my male frog chuck diaspeared under my porch from jumping out of the pound 1 yr later i opean up my pool and im thrilled to find out my little chuck had become a big big green chuck whee and had been safe in the shallows the whole winter i was also thrilled to find out i had three more chucks yay well untill two weeks ago because it turns out the three other chuck's were well charliots and 1 chuck and three charloits = more little chucks and charloits then i can count sweatdrop . yay me not yay for my pool. well lets see is there anything else 6 new friends, frogs, cold gone,umm umm umm....., it warm here yeah yay so i think thats it for this maga long journal entry, oh yay thats right my manga i order vol 5,6 of Ouran High School Host still havnt come in yet. and i want it so so so so soooooooooo bad. it sooooo funny blaugh (ok i got to stop doing the sooooo's i sound like a girl in a bad swim suit conercal) yay so this a great sierse u should both watch and read ouran high school host club. & u know what elseu should do comment on my pro andu could stop the hunny bee in the hunny nut chiro's comercal from swimming and contaminating my hunny i mean really i dont want to eat hunny that bee's are swimming in i might get diease from that just stop little hunny dudes just stop swimming in my hunny scream . well once again thats about it bye bye or ratheer hi hi for reading my entry witch goes with the target comercal "i say hello u say good bye" it totally rude to say bye when someone says hello witch makes no sense. butany way this time i promise this is the end bye bye (not being rude) COMMENT!!!!
oh and for a bitter sweet moment schoolsnot over and i finished drivers edd and i think my moms trying to get me to get a job witch i'll say i dont think so.
oh and for a bitter sweet moment schoolsnot over and i finished drivers edd and i think my moms trying to get me to get a job witch i'll say i dont think so.
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