this is my puppy misty momochi


his name:max
my favorite thing to do with him:Lay on the floor and watch movies.
his favorite food:Rice and Kibble
his favorite toy:Bones
what i loved about him:More than I love the world.
and how much il miss him:Lot's I can't even say!
his bio:
I grew up with him since I was little we got him when I was a baby and he was 3 and my parents had him before I was born when he was itty bitty and bottle fed and he is my moms baby and will always be there.
my friend dog max passed away the day b4 this was posted so this is an honor for him and may he rest in peaice ^_^ we bid u farwell max! he was a german sheperd
i want a cookie!!

click it guys it links to my friends banner shop!
my dream avi:

Total Value: 946,215 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Gift of the Goddess
Firestorm Dragon Gown
Ancient Katana
Ancient Katana
Mochi the Puppy
Mochi the Puppy
Red Flame Shoes
Steel-plated Ninja Band
my other dream avi:

Total Value: 3,111,532 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Lawl And Order White Pants
White Musketeer Shirt
Summoning Tome
Summoning Tome
White Medical Shoes
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Angelic Scarf
eggs @.@:

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Total Value: 26,645 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Witch Cape
Witch Shoes
Black Class Shirt
Egyptian Black Linen Dress
Morgana's Hat
Wizard's Wand