if this egg doesnt get bak b4 it hatches the owner will sue celest town for not careing for it!
now to the weather in solace town and surounding area's
mountain regions:40's
ok now here are the hot new pokemon ccatching updates!
down in solace town u can catch an eevee if u catch this amount and certain pokemon!
eevee:5 goldeens 2 ratata 11 butterfree
now to ponyta: a ratata
and last a goldeen: 10 magikarp
ok now to the shopping network of this newspaper
hot sales are at veilstone mall! everything there is 50-90% off!! it starts from!
monday-friday from 7am-11pm they even have early bird specails! from 6am-7am good luck shoppers!
oh the pokemon daycare is about to sell some good worth buying eggs! so go ask the owner of the daycare/egg center and hope to get sum cute but good new pokemon!
hot news update!
there are goin to be 5 new pokemon 1 comeing out each week for free capture in the wild or get em when they are young from the daycare we will keep u up dated!
ok now to the contest updates!
the contest will be starting soon so dont miss out ! the world wide contest for a specail ribbon is going to be the biges bash of the yr!
professor kioni is at the moment battleing profesor oak over a specail egg and we will keep u updated on that!
and finaly!
mini town contests!
they only had a cute contest today
winner:jiny with bunry
have a great monday!
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