Soooooooo Its almost Christmas xDD
I'ma gonna get me some presents ><
I'm super excited. Then again, who wouldn't be?
So... an uodate since I havent uodated in forever.. lets see.
Well... I passed my drivers ed final, a month and a half of class and they give me a final that is truth and false and multiple choice... they were all 'duh' questions too D<
I didn't even need the stupid class to answer those questions. scream
So yeah... I'll be driving soon xD
I am currently not failing any classes. But I was... and I got grounded for it.
Then I fixed them and I'm not grounded anymore xD
Yayyers for me~
My favorite anime is still fma and probably will be for like ever xD
And my favorite game is Xenosaga... O.O
I am currently obsessed with it.
Its awesome.
Great animation, great storyline, the relationships in it are just so well thought through, and its just awesome.
Its hard though o.o I've died like a million times. And then in other games I dont die like even once.
such an awesome game xD I loves it.
Like a lot o.o
My profile has the best freaking trailer for it xD
And I'm bored so I should talk to me xD
I'ma gonna get me some presents ><
I'm super excited. Then again, who wouldn't be?
So... an uodate since I havent uodated in forever.. lets see.
Well... I passed my drivers ed final, a month and a half of class and they give me a final that is truth and false and multiple choice... they were all 'duh' questions too D<
I didn't even need the stupid class to answer those questions. scream
So yeah... I'll be driving soon xD
I am currently not failing any classes. But I was... and I got grounded for it.
Then I fixed them and I'm not grounded anymore xD
Yayyers for me~
My favorite anime is still fma and probably will be for like ever xD
And my favorite game is Xenosaga... O.O
I am currently obsessed with it.
Its awesome.
Great animation, great storyline, the relationships in it are just so well thought through, and its just awesome.
Its hard though o.o I've died like a million times. And then in other games I dont die like even once.
such an awesome game xD I loves it.
Like a lot o.o
My profile has the best freaking trailer for it xD
And I'm bored so I should talk to me xD