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View User's Journal

Its... a journal...
My life at the moment... along with a dream^^
I haven't had a weird dream in like... a super long time.

I had one of, I think, Titanic... and it was strange because the water was like

really warm and I was in a clown suit....

With a pie.

I sold pies as people ran by screaming. Supposedly I really wanted the money.

And then... I swam all the way home and talked to dolphins on the way.

We had interesting conversations.

Something about barbies... o.O


Anyways, I am at my grandma's. So I wont be on a whole lot.

Only a couple more weeks or so before my house gets finished being built.

Not only that but my internet time was cut in half. Two hours a day. Kinda sucks.

I Wiggle my way through it somehow though.

I've been super emo. I think I'm just so tired of being controlled and trying my

hardest to be the daughter and sister that everyone wants me to be.

I've been trying to be that for like ever.

I'm tired of it. So tired of feeling used or trying so hard and most of all, I'm tired of my mom.

I love her. Shes my mom. I cant hate her.

Seeing my mom almost every day of my life kind of makes hating her difficult.

I love her. However... staying in this house with this family is driving me insane.

I'm losing it.

Seriously losing it.

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