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Oi, more useless random crap to fill your brain. 8D
An update? o.O
Holy fark....o-o I didn't know I still had this thing.

Let's see what can I put here....... Drawing?
Yea, I've gotten alot better at drawing now. :D Like, I'm not stick man. -Giggle.- I keep seeing people on dev though who are like, drop dead awesome. LASARO!! GO LOOK HER UP. She's my idol for drawing, well her and several other people.

And something else I should put here is....... English, yea.
I've gotten better at word that are larger then four letter. XDD Most of the english though goes to Anzu/Sylfaen. Manly all on IMs.
And since I've got this bitting my leg I'll tell you about the new goat that wasn't sapost to be on the farm yet, and right now it's chacing my chikens and ducks up to the bark.... It doesn't have a limit of energy, remember that when you an animal, manly the baby ones. :P

Some times she's a pain, but she's still fun to have around the house.

Well that's all I have for now, if you want to know more PM me. :D I heart those.

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