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Oi, more useless random crap to fill your brain. 8D
Updater for my life.
Okay, I think I've gotten everything done now, the profile, pictures, jornal and life. biggrin
(I'll get to that another day. XP Too depressed right now.)

So yea.. Ummm Somthing to talk about......

I'm starting a role play with a few people who are WAY above me and below me all at the same time!
This is interresting.. I need to lean how to describe something alot better.
and Anzu you need to replay since I just finished. -cough.-

Right now I'm doing a Dragon and an elemental one too.

Stories because I've got time! ^_^

I've got about four diferant stories right now, and their all about a half breed named Akira....Okay their all after him but one's diferant so ha. >.>

Let's see what else....
I helped bucher 30-ish chickens last week and I've seen too much of them then I needed too. @-@
I warn you before trying something like that: DON'T! I smell like guts and I was taking a shower for three days. XP

and I think I still smell. D:

I'm about to go help out in a shooting range cup-thingy in a few weeks or something like that and I really like that.
Last time I worked there I got OVER $100 and $20 tips. O-O I need the money!!!!!

Wich brings me to my last thing: I might make a Kingdom Hearts keyblade out of metal!!
I have no clue on where I should get all this stuff but I know it's going to be at lease thirdy some odd pounds. D:
I'll be dragging it around like Roxas when he fights Sora.

That concludes what my life had been since I last posted here.

and yes my hands hurt like hell right now. ><

See ya all and please comment...

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jul 20, 2006 @ 07:26pm
Poor hands........ gonk

I dun't EVER wanna butcher a chicken. Sounds nasty.

And I luvvles my chickens. =D



What to do with all that monies?

I know!
Spend it. Der. <----- Ya that.

Anywho.....Whatcha been upto? And FIRST JOURNAL COMMENT EVER. -gasp.-

commentCommented on: Thu Jan 25, 2007 @ 03:08pm

Irri is a veggie-a-tarian.
And Lisa says to eat slime, not aminals.

Go have life-long trauma now, please?

Community Member
User Comments: [2] [add]
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