Okay, so life is Hell right now... Nothing seems to be going right, no matter what I do. I'm failing most of my classes (except art of course whee ) my friends don't want anything to do with me and I don't know why, and my family doesn't want me around. So much to deal with... sweatdrop
I have Economics 1st block, Pre-Calculas 2nd block, AP 2D Art class 3rd block, and Spanish 2 4th block...
In my Economics class, my teacher's a 2-faced lying b***h xp , I don't do homework, the flash cards we have to do is a 3rd grade thing, and the EOCT practice tests we have for homework are pointless. mad
In my Pre-Calculas class, my teacher is foreign so it's hard to understand her naturally, but the way she teaches us makes it even harder to understand her, she tells us to wait until she's finished her lecture before we ask questions, but when the lecture's done she doesn't want to talk to us, and the way she teaches is like going around the state you live in to get home. scream
In AP 2D Art class, I just finished a set of 12 pictures for my Concentration that I started last year, then my Economics teacher and her partner threw me into an art project for the school (I was marked absent from her class when I was working on it too!), my art teacher praises every one of her 3D art students in our class for their brilliant work (which it is lovely) and many of her other students (the ones that are working on things she wants them to) but you know what I get? "Oh yeah, that's lovely" ...and that's it. And even when I finish my Concentration (BEFORE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE CLASS) it's still not enough and I have to do more! "Write some poems to go with those images" ...damn it all. emo
Ah, finally, in my Spanish 2 class, I only have the problem of... I HATE SPANISH, I CAN'T SPEAK OR WRITE SPANISH, and I HAVEN'T TAKEN SPANISH IN 3 YEARS! How am I going to pass a Spanish 2 class...? gonk
Then there's the problem with most of my friends right now...
Ry-Ry is too obsessed with his job to hang with me (he'll even go in on his day off to work instead of hanging out with me). evil
Kitsume, and I can understand why but, she doesn't want to come over to my house Halloween night for a small get-together (I can't call it a party when compared to the one her other friend is having...) because her other friend has invited many people over to their house for a big party with lots of fun and excitement and candy and Halloween-goodness... Which means I'm left at my house, Halloween night, with no one there but the front door to look at. None of my other friends would come over either becausae all of their friends are having great parties or going out for fun and my biggest problem yet is that... I'm not social, so I hate big crowds, which means I just wouldn't fit in with so many people around. sad
Then there's Ayla, who just yesterday, had a mental breakdown over traffic... Everything that could go wrong yesterday, did so. And even after it was all over and we were where we were supposed to be, she stayed in a bad mood for most of the rest of the night, and most of today too. Everything she said was a jab at what I was doing... Even with the Sims 3, she critisized everything I did. cry
Damn it all, I'm not even going into the problems with my school friends... No one wants to listen to me anyways, right? Whatever... talk2hand
Meh, whatever, then there's my romantic problems... There is no male on Earth that has even the slightest interest in me. Nothing nowhere near anything like that. It's depressing and it makes me all the more lonely... ********, even girls have no interest in me. And people, especially my friends and family, wonder why I'm so ******** mad or emo all the time. cheese_whine
Anyways, then there's the problem with my family.
Everyday, for the first 5 or 6 years of my life, my Dad was working all the time. I know he was doing it for us, but even my sisters got more time with him when they were growing up than I did. After I turned 5, Dad fell off an 8 ft. ladder and pretty much ******** up his arm. Well, that put him on so many medications at that point, I'm surprised he even got up to piss for the next 7 years. And anything after that depended on how he was feeling that day. So technically, not a lot of time to spend playing around with him all those years. Probably why I resent him... And then when my oldest sister had her four kids, who do you think got more attention from him? Those b*****d brats. Yes, I'm jealous. For most of my life, he spends his life in the bed, but when those kids come around, he spends every moment out of the bed with them. There's gotta be something wrong with that. Sometimes I wonder if he misses the time when I was little... I can't change that, so I guess I'm just screwed, huh? confused
Well, I guess everything with my Mom is somewhat okay. I have to hear the typical lecture everyday to clean my room and take my meds, but there's nothing wrong with that... It's the way she says things to me that's the problem. Also making a jab at everything I do, and the way she says it is the worst... Like when I was a kid, I had the typical bedwetting problem, nothing new, but she called me so many names when she got mad, I can't count them all... Then the humiliation is even worse, for that same incident, she made me wear one of those pull-ups to school. I was so embarrassed... Yeah, but now that I'm older, it's only gotten worse... and my sisters say I'm spoiled and should get my a** beat because of some of the things I say to my parents. redface
I'm sorry for so many words, but this stuff bothers me everyday of my life. I need to get it off my chest, but I don't think it counts if no one hears me...does it? rolleyes
~End of rant~
Butterfly dramallama
Butterfly_Ruins005 · Sat Oct 24, 2009 @ 08:39pm · 0 Comments |