Random story one, entry one
I stood looking at the tall house with the sun shining upon my back, sending a long shadow across the ground. Watching the stone walls fall to rebel. A dull green moss settled to live in all the crevices of its walls, giving it an eerie feeling that I still remember. I continued closer and felt the familiar tug at the heart to fun far away, but my mind held me fast, to stay for my job. Stay for my job and my job is law. Examine the house says my job. Examine the house with falling walls, empty halls, and the silent creeping cats that roam around. Cats small and large roamed the property, giving way for a small hope that not all judges this house with the fear. Though they themselves gave the place its own feeling of dread with the same cat lurking here and there, up there and down there; thousands the same color, all a sleek black. I shuddered at the sight, such numbers of these creature isn?t possible to be chance, and, though I do not believe, it can only mean that something dreary has or will happen. I reached the old decrepit house; wood rotting; broken down and shutters falling down house. The creaked as I stepped onto the porch, bring a cold shiver running down my back. Another bad omen, I though to myself while also noting that this to be the second time I was overly scared. I must be going insane to believe that this old place scares me. A moment of hissing distracted my mind from its ongoing argument. It didn?t last long before I remembered my duty to explore the area. Explore the house, return and report. Opening the broken door now split down the middle to just above the knob. Opening it arose a mighty haze of dust to choke the air, making me cough rapidly. As I regained my control; my heart beating wildly from exertion I stumble through the doorway, which had broken even more; moving the dust lock and laying untouched. Inside I saw both a ghastly and beautiful sight that sent me stumbling blindly into the unbroken section of the door. The walls, floor, furniture, and ceiling was covered a drapery of silken threads, a loving grip of death. More webs hung from the ceiling and few cats trespassed into such territory. Those who did were found lying lazily dead upon floor and couch; such unearthly sight sickened my heart. The smell of rotting flesh clung to the very foundation and I found my stomach about to release it contents, which by the way was not very much. I continued my research, by examining the condition of the furniture. Taking my small pad of paper out of my pocket, I started to scrawl few notes on the couch. The couch, now dull and ripped from feline claws showed now real sign of use. This was not unusual for a house that has not been used for years, but still the lingering wrench of dread upon my heart never seized and I grew uneasy. Feeling that at any moment I could suddenly be dragged away by some unseen beast, I slowly gathered up my courage and continued further into the house. The house seemed enormously larger than it did from the outside, almost twice as large. The walls, covered in webs, also gave off a little of its for glory of white, through no treatment can restore. A large creaking from behind made me jump from whence I stood to sitting upon the tattered old couch. I looked and saw that it was now dark, darker than when I had entered. The sun was just above the mountains. Red and pink streaks jutted from the sun as its last ray were drowned till the next day. Another creak of boards drew my attention from the horizon. A shadow flitted from outside the door along with a rustle. A loud screech pierced the air, so loud I had collapsed the rest of my weight upon the couch and covered my ears. Once it had stopped I once again looked out the door to see what it was. I was astonished and horrified as I saw a blackness roiling right outside. No light or sound it had made to attract my attention. I sat there amazed. I had not been here with that screech this long? No! It had been only a few minutes. It must be something else? but what? My thoughts were answered as the blackness was shaped. It sank in upon itself, shedding little of the remaining sunlight, and revealing the creature no before me. It was a tremendously, large, black cat. Flaming red eyes blew open as its black body came into existence. These eyes were filled with hatred, hatred for all things living and no remorse for any victim that may get in its way. It red eyes flew towards me as I squawked in the horror of what one of those hidden claws could do. I squealed again, and tumbled the couched backward with a loud thud, muffled in a way, maybe from my fright. I looked up to see flaming red eyes and a very big paw come down upon my face. I felt my neck snap from a large and powerful force. Gasping, I flung my eyes open and sat up so quickly as to scare the nurse from the doorway. I was in a small hospital room. ?Where am I? Am I dead?? I gasped, and sweated from exhaustion. ?You are in the hospital,? the use answered. ?You were found in a coma and have been for a week.? I found myself give a sigh of relief. ?You were lucky to survive with those wounds though,? she stated and walked away. I figured my neck and felt a scar prominent on the top of my skin. I looked in the mirror and saw that it looked like a large animal had eaten my neck.
BloodyLieutenant · Fri Apr 07, 2006 @ 04:26am · 0 Comments |