The encounter
I woke up to the sun shining on me, I grumbled as I sat up my back was killing me. The tree wasn’t very pleasant. But I didn’t complain I just jumped down off the tree, I had to find a place to shower. I gathered my things and started to head out to go looking for somewhere to shower. I past couple lakes but they looked gross, I just kept walking. I said to myself “there has to be somewhere better to take a shower” as I was looking I kept thinking about what happened and how I left without saying good bye and how they reacted and all that. As I was walking I didn’t notice there was a small cliff and I feel down it, hit a lot of rocks and branches. I finally reached the bottom and grumbled to myself. “Ugh what a great way to start the day”, I brushed my self off and looked at my self there where some cuts but not a lot so I just surged it off. I looked up and that there was a house there it looked somewhat abandon, so I figured what do I have to loose, I ran there fast as to not be seen, if there was someone living there. As I got to the side of the house I looked at the window “ugh its locked oh well mine as well break in” I said a little to loud, then I heard someone say “oh really now?” I didn’t move I froze from the shock, and then I started to figure out what to do. He then said “do you always just invite your self into peoples houses?” I sighed and turned around and looked at him. He was a tall guy he wore a black jacket, blue pants, he had a weird hat on like a wizard hat, looked almost human but I could tell he wasn’t human at all. I didn’t now what to do I was to tired to do anything really so I just said to him “listen I just need a shower… can I just take a dam shower?” he laughed and said “you just tried to break into my house and you think that I’m going to let you take a shower in my house? Because your crazy if you think I will” I just sighed and said “listen I thought it was abandon I mean look at it!” he just stood there and then said “I see your point. But before I let you take a shower, answer me one question?” I just answered with “yes what is your question?” he smirked and said “what are you doing all the way out here in the woods don’t you have a place to live?” I growled “it’s a long story as to why I am all the way out here but, no I have no place to live. Your going to think this is crazy but I haven’t been here that long.” He laughed and replied “well okay if you wont you can stay with me for a while. And I don’t think its crazy that you haven’t been here for long I already new that” he smirked and started walking towards his house, I blinked not realizing what just happened then I ran after him screaming “hey what do you mean you already knew that I was new here!!” he just smiled and said “well I will tell you after you clean up a little.” I sigh in defeat “fine fine. I feel dirty anyway.” He opens the door and I walk in my mouth drops to the floor. I didn’t now what to say I just kind of sat there for a couple of seconds then I said “you’re a wizard aren’t you?” he laughed and said “well what gave you that idea?” I glared at him and said “listen buddy I don’t like sarcasm!” he said “well sorry jesus calm down are you always so seriuse anyway I will show you to the guest room where there is a shower and a bed for you to stay in okay?” I shook my head yes and fallowed him into the guest room it was a nice looking room wasn’t pink or anything just plan grey with some pictures of wolfs it had a nice queen sized bed a bathroom and a dresser to hang my cloths in. I turned to him and said “thank you. Oh and by the way the names Ashley but I am guessing you already new that. But I never got your name. What is your name?” he smiled and said “yes I now almost everything about you and my name is shadow.” I laughed to my self and said “nice name well I got to go take a shower so you must go pervert!” he looked shocked that I said that and left the room. I looked around for a couple of seconds I wonted to look at everything for some reason I felt wonted here and I noticed that I was smiling I was shocked and didn’t realize that my hand was moving to touch my face and I jumped back a little and realized that I was smiling. I like the feeling but then all of the sudden I got this image in my head of jinx and how he looked and was acting right now it made me sigh, it wasn’t a good image what I saw was a sad person he wasn’t crying thought he was just said and he looked confused. I said to myself “we are only trying to make our self think that so stop it” I grabbed some cloths from my bag and slowly walked to the bathroom when I reached the door I could of sworn I heard someone saying my name in the I miss you tone or in the let down voice, but there was no one there so I just surged it off not really caring much I was to tired and dirty to really care. I got into the bathroom and started the shower, as I was in the shower I noticed again that my body was just going threw the motions and I wasn’t think about it. I grabbed the shampoo and smelt it. I made a gagging sound because it smelt really sweet to sweet for my taste, but I had to clean my hair it smelt just as bad as the shampoo but not as bad so I washed my hair and then I looked at the bar of soap and said to my self “oh lord what are you going to smell like?” I went to smell it and it smelt like food, so with out thinking I took a bite out of it I spit it out quickly and gagged again then shouted “LORD you smell to good!” I laughed at myself and said “ I guess I was hungry” I then stood there for a little and then gasped “I just laughed what am I doing think bad thoughts” I said to myself while smacking myself on the head over and over again. I finally washed my body off and got out of the shower, I got dressed and walked out of the room, I walked down a semi long hall way and slowly walked down the stairs and into what looked like a living room and a kitchen put together. I looked around for shadow then I heard a loud boom, so I ran to the sound and I almost died laughing I said “what’s wrong you look like you just walked out of a chimney. “ he laughed a fake laugh and said “ha oh your so funny Ashley. And no I didn’t come out of a chimney smart one. I was working on a potion.” I looked cursedly now and asked “what kind of potion?” he smiled and said “wouldn’t you like to now?” I shook my head yes. He then said “well let me tell you something first here fallow me this will help you understand.” I fallowed him threw a door and down a small hall way again I said while we where walking “Jesus how many hallways dose this little house have?” he relied with a quick “a lot” and kept walking then he opened on last door and walked over to a book shelf and grabbed what looked like two small books and one huge book. He said “sit” and gestured for me to sit in this little black chair so I did and it was so comfy that I could have slept in it. He then cleared his throat and said “here I will start with this. You where told how and what happened when you where born right?” I sighed and said “yes sir I was told that” he smirked and said “well I will fill in some of what I think are blank spots for you then I will continue is that okay?” I said “yes continue!” he then said “okay. Well you now how you had that big war?” he emphasized when he said “the big war” part. I said “yes I do remember that part” he then said “good and to help you remember I got this book. You see after your war you where almost put in this book but you weren’t YET that is” he holds up a book with a skull on it and flames around it “this is not a good book at all this is a horrible book to be in and I am going to tell you why. How do I put this” he stops for a second to put it all together in his head. The continues “you know how god has a book on who is going to heaven and Satan has a book on who goes to hell?” I looked some what confused but went along with it anyway. “yes I know that what is your point?” he then holds up a book with a picture of wings and in the center is a cross he points to the book and says “you see this book is gods book it has everyone’s name in it that’s supposed to go to heave” he stops again and grabs another book this time it has flames with a sword in the center of it he again points to it and says “you see this book is Satan’s book it holds everyone that well go to hell for doing something bad or was meant to go there” he stops and grabs the other one holds it up for a seconds and says “this book is for the people that aren’t going to heaven or hell there not a lot of people in this book only about a handful” I cut him off and said “hold up so there are people that don’t go to heaven or hell. That’s impossible they have to go somewhere! I mean heaven was built for the good people and hell was built for the bad people!” he sighs and says “will you let me continue?” I said “fine continue” he continues “to answer your one question yes there are people that don’t go to heaven or hell. So tecknicly it is possible. And like I was saying there’s only a handful that are in this book and you are one of them.” I looked shocked and stuttered out “whoa----what!” he said “let me finish you will understand” I just sat there and he said “see you killed a lot of people in that war but that’s not what made you go into this book actually really you where only recently put in this book.” I just blinked and said “wait then what was it?” he sighed and said “when you killed all those people they gave you a second chance by completely destroying your memories they figured that you where only mad because of what happened they also thought that the what the seeker saw was from what they did so they blamed themselves for what happened to you, so they gave you a second chance. But well let me explain. See you proved them wrong you killed your brother and all of the people there but you didn’t kill that little girl the one that you scared. So she told them about what you did then they found the body’s and the house they also found out that you knew about what Satan was going to do without warning them, like angels are supposed to do. Then you go to earth against there will and you kill a human. You where the first creature from heaven to kill a human, and then you meet up with a vampire and a demon with a history of destruction and evil so they thought you where planning something with them and then you told them what you did. That’s what put you in this book that and the war because now they see that the seeker was right.” I stopped him “so know I’m in that book? I don’t go to heaven or hell!!!! I just go now where I just stay in the dark like when I was little!!!! Is that all my life is all dark! So there isn’t anything I can do to get back to either…. I mean I have to be in hell or heaven! This isn’t fare!!!” I just kept going on and on he then said calmly “stop and calm down you need to think this over I told you too much and now you need to rest so go to the guest room and take a nap let your mind process everything okay?” I shook my head and got up and walked slowly to the door but before leaving I turned around and said “so I am a nobody again? I’m back to square one? Just alone...” I looked down and opened the door and walked out quietly shutting the door. A single tear feel down my face as I walked down the hallway. The part of my heart that was slowly starting to beat again was shatter into a million pieces again. As I past the kitchen and into the guest room all that was going threw my head was “how… how am I alone again. Was I ever not alone? Is this all a dream?” I sighed and opened the door to the room and closed it behind me locking it the last thing I needed was to talk to people. I looked at the bed it was a big bed made me feel more alone, I told myself “we should get used to it right? I mean we will always be alone no way of changing it” as I lay on the bed tears kept fallowing down my face I didn’t even care at the time. I slowly fall asleep but only to think about the one person I thought I liked.

you told me you loved me....
but it was a lie...
know im left alone to wonder why?
i num my heart so i dont feel the pain
but i keep asking why?
and then i get the samething all the time...
you never cared and know im left to wonder why...?