I slowly start to move around and grumble, I moved my hand to go and rub my face but instead of hitting my face I hit something cold, I open my eyes quickly and look around. I yell “what the ******** who are you!!!? The girl backs up little, I scream again” tell me who you are!!!” I jump out of the bed and tackled her to the ground, the out of now where jinx was in the room pulling me off her, I said “what the ********.” All he said was “calm down let me explain” I calmed down and made him let me go. The girl said “ well you’re not a morning person are you. My names Rena, but you can call me re.. And jinx asked me to come here.” I looked at her and said “well next time don’t stare at me or whatever you where doing.. And I guess you guys say nice name.. I don’t understand you way of talking but “nice name” she laughed and then jinx said “ she hasn’t been here that long. So she doesn’t now much” she came up and hugged me I was shocked I had no Idea what the hell she was doing. She then said “oh you don’t know what a hug is?” I turned away from her and him and said with a disappointed voice “ no I know what you where doing. I just never got that before is all. Oh and you didn’t tell me what are you?” she was in shock and ignored my last question and then screamed “YOU NEVER BEEN HUGGED BEFORE DOSENT YOUR FAMILY LOVE YOU!!” I twitched a little and said “I don’t won’t to talk about this so drop it!” and just walked away. They both didn’t say anything I could tell someone was watching me. I then just said with a sigh “stop staring at me I am going to take a “shower” and then we will start traing got it?” Jinx said “okay and we aren’t training to day. I won’t to get to know you better.” I just walked up the stairs without replying back. I walked into the shower and turned it on I had too much going on in my head it made me growl. First there was the fact that we aren’t training to day. Second also because I have to tell then about myself I don’t have to but to be honest I kind of think I should, I mean I could kill them. This whole I’m weak thing might not work plus I am kind of weak not in the fighting part in the whole human stuff, I was still curs use as to why I had those feelings last night or why I care some much I never really did. I also shocked my self when I comment on her name. I was like a robot in the shower I was to bizzy thinking that my body to over cleaning me, the hot water didn’t last long either. Then I when I stopped thinking a new thought came into my head what if we change what if we helped out people instead of killing them. I growled loudly and shock my head I screamed in my head “THIS IS NOT ME WHAT IS GOING ON!!!! SENCE WHEN DID WE CARE ABOUT PEOPLE OR COMPLAMENT THEM OR WONT TO HELP PEOPLE!!!” I feel to the ground I was so confused I didn’t now what to do I laid on my back letting the water hit my face. Then I heard a knock on the door and I sighed and said “what do you want!!” it was Rena she said “ I wanted to see if you where okay” I sighed and said “ I’m fine I will be out soon so go away” she didn’t say anything and just walked away. I slowly got up and turned off the water, dried off and got dressed. I opened the door and walked out, I heard them talking and I decide to listen for a while. I heard jinx say “ listen she needs our help and I care about her for some reason..” then I heard Rena say “well I would help too but she doesn’t seem like she wants help as a matter of fact I don’t think she wants to be bothered… that and I cant put my finger on it but there something about her and she’s seems like bad news” then he sounded like he was getting mad and said “ well I’m not giving up on her yet!!! Well if she is bad news she will fit in with us because we where bad news. We can help her change I can tell she wants to change it there she just hasn’t really figured it out yet as to why she wants to change. “ She just sighed and said “fine I will help” then he said “ thank you” I didn’t know what to think I was mad but I was also happy because he stuck up for me.. I just sighed and went down the stairs I decide to act like I didn’t now what they talked about or anything, I also decide to try and act nice as much as it was going to kill me I was going to. I said “I don’t think I said good morning, so good morning oh and it’s nice to meet you Rena.. I did tell you it was a pretty name right.” I shocked them both and then they both said at the same time “ you heard us didn’t you.” I shock my head no and said “what are you talking about?” they said “nothing at all” I faked smiled and said “okay” Rena sat down across from me, and she just looked at me I felt so weird out but I ignored it. Then jinx put some food down at the table “ I looked and said “ looks good” he said “I’m glade” then he said down I just looked at the food then grabbed some they watched me as I put a lot on my plate. Then jinx said “ I should have made more shouldn’t I?” I said “no this is enough for me” he said “okay”. So I started to eat and then I said “ tell me about yourself before I tell you about me if you don’t mind?” Rena said “ I will go first” I shook my head yes and kept eating
She started “ you now my name.. But I am a demon. I have a sister and a mom and dad. We don’t talk though I have been with jinx’s and his friends for a while so there like my family. I’m 23 years old in human years but in demon years I am 59. I now that’s old but I am. And I used to be bad . So yea that’s little bit about me.” She looks at jinx’s. He looks at me and I am not looking but am listening he sighs and starts “you now who and what I am. But I am 25 in human years in vampire years I am 68 years old. I have a sister and a dad, I talk to them but not really. I live with Rena and my friends. Oh and I used to be bad too. But we all decide it was best to change.” I dropped my fork and looked at them. I said “ so your not evil?” they shook there head no. I said “ooooh” and then jinx’s said “so tell us about you” I really didn’t wont to do this but I told them I would so I figured I would tell them and then probably leave to night. So I sighed and started “I am a fallen angel I am 26 in human years and I am 69 in fallen angel years… I was born a fallen angel the seeker that what they cal her in heaven but she foretold that, I was going to do harm when I got older around 10 or 11 she couldn’t tell but she said it was going to happen around that time.. When I was born and they took me away they felt the evil in me it was strong for such a young child they said it would be best to give me to someone who could handle my evilness..So they gave me up but they didn’t like it they said they hated it... They never talked to me again after that. They said it would be dangerous when I got around the age the seeker foretold everyone about some one came to the place I was staying at and took me to a cell and locked me up. They said they just had to wait and see if it came true. well one night I guess I started to change everything about me was changing they said I became more aggressive and my eyes went black with hate the guards warned god and they called people down to stop me but it was to late I had already completed the phase. I killed them all slaughtered them with ease then I got out into the real world and they already knew I was going for me and my brothers parents so they warned them. But they felt guilty for what they did so they decided to stay… the said I came right when everyone expected me too they all stood there ground. My brother saw me he said I had blood all over me and that I smiled and said to everyone you’re all going to die. Then we all got into a fight and they where able to stop me but they lost 300 angels and my parents were killed by me. They said swore that they would never let me remember anything and god took my memory and told my brother to leave so he did just that. They also said that got the scare on my face from my mother when I was in my fallen angel phases and when I’m in this face its bigger then I would be when I’m not in my phases.. the reason I now all this is before I came here about 2 weeks ago my brothers friend shadow can and kid napped me pretty much and that’s when I saw my brother for the first time I killed them though after they told me my story and everything I just killed them. I said more then you guys but its okay.” They just sat there I think I scared them I decide to leave tonight. As I was thinking in my head they both got up and left the table.
All day they didn’t talk to me, I didn’t talk or look at them. I new that was going to happen but. I was upstairs packing it was around 6 at night and I new they already ate I read there mind by accident, Rena was thinking about leaving. And I couldn’t read jinx mind. I packed up everything jinx gave me. I figured I was going to go out the window. I opened the window not looking back nor wonting to say goodbye, I climbed out the window and ran into the woods. I found myself again finding a place to sleep in the cold I told myself we shouldn’t of told them it was to much. I was telling my self what made me say all that then I realized that I was hypnotized to say it by jinx. I was so mad I punched the tree and cracked it in half. I then jumped up the tree and fell asleep with my belongings next to me. Before I fell asleep I said I was never going to talk to them again and that tomorrow I make a portal and leave.

you told me you loved me....
but it was a lie...
know im left alone to wonder why?
i num my heart so i dont feel the pain
but i keep asking why?
and then i get the samething all the time...
you never cared and know im left to wonder why...?