A common concern for all people of the world is money and being able to take care of your family. Your family is perhaps the most important thing in the world because it is them who are the sole providers of your happiness or unhappiness. You reap the benefit of their light or you reap the detrement of their darkness. Sometimes though, you get pushed. You get pushed into the wrong direction because you are so distracted by your goal. You find yourself in a situation where when your original goal had been to achieve happiness through the joys of your loved ones cannot be achieved because: a) you work too much to see them happy b) your job is so horrible that you become such a negative person, your family doesn't enjoy your presence c) perhaps this is the worst reason you cannot achieve what you had wanted, you lose interest. You find yourself so unhappy and since you were working to make your family happy, you regret them. That, I think is the most horrible thing in the world. A world where love and comfort just isn't enough to make you feel better. That is why we must have courage and take the risk to do things that make us happy. Get a job you like for whatever reasons you like it and be with the ones you care about. I know I make it sound simple, but I really think that's what it is. Go with the flow because you know you can move on. Reality is what you make it when you have the courage to be happy.
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