When you're mad...
Some people, when they're mad or upset, or disappointed; they have a tendancy to break things. In a way, I tend to. So you know, it's nothing material that I break. I can't tell what it is exactly that I destroy... but I can tell you I'm sorry... that is if it has anything to do with you.
When a person is mad, it gets harder to think. When you can though, rage is such a strong feeling it over powers any positive thoughts that might conflict with you anger. That's how powerful it is.
Rage can escalate into so many feelings, like hate, frustration, and worst of all destruction; but it can also wear you down. Sometimes we get so mad we break down into sadness. Our heads get so hot, we steam, as if our eyes are glass up against that steam, water runs down. Sometimes when you're mad though... after a while... you realize you were never really mad. just hurt. that, i think, makes you change your feelings completely.
![]() -Punk Kurai- Community Member ![]() |