My Valentine (part 4) by R&Z
(read previous entries to understand this one FP)
Valentine finished up at the kissing booth and ran in search of the boy he had kissed at the booth. He wanted to know as much as he could about him. In the crowed of people he bumped into the boy was no where to be found. His heart raced at the thought of him not being around, his eyes widened when he remembered the kiss and his head spun as he stood in the middle of the crowed.
The sun crept under the horizon waiting for it's sister the moon to come out and shine over the festival. Lanterns were lit, letting the festival carry on. Val sat at a picnic table alone with his fingers half in his hair and his forehead resting on the bottom of his palms. He could hear the laughter and chatter in the background where everyone was gossiping, showing off their talents and making jokes of whatever they could jest about.
Val's mother was in the crowed laughing with Charity in her arms. Her glance fell over Val not far off near the picnic area and she decided to drop Charity off with him as she went off to enjoy herself before they had to return to the house.
Val agreed to take care of Charity as he watched his mother fade into the crowed. He set charity down in front of him sitting her up. "Charity you wont believe what happened..." He said to her as she reached for his face playfully. Val gave in and leaned forward for her to touch around his face. "Haha nyaa!" Came from her sweet little lips. "Yeah...It was pretty amazing...the kiss I mean...A boy...kissed me..." Val said looking down at Charity's little feet. "I...I want to see him again...I want to know who he is and...just everything, Charity..." Val looked up at his little sister and noticed she was getting tired. He scooped her up in his arms and smiled down at her as she began to fall asleep. "...Night little one..." Val said staring down at her lovingly. She may have not been his real sister, but he treated her as though she was.
The festival went long into the night but Valentine's little family headed back home. Charity was tucked in and Val headed for his room. He flopped down on his bed and turned on his back staring up at his ceiling. He took two fingers and ran them over his lips lightly remembering the kiss clear as day.
Val stayed up all night thinking about the kiss. He finally drifted off to sleep around 2 am. In about 3 hours he would be woken up to the sound of his mothers soft voice. "Val...Val you're going to be late for school if you don't get up now." She said pulling off his blanket and throwing a pair of jeans at him.
Val had a cold shower and dressed himself ready to head out with his pack on his back and a piece of toast his mother had given to him. He bit down on the toast and tasted the sweet jam that was spread across the light brown bread.
Val sprinted for the bus stop. He arrived a little late and watched as the bus sped on by past the bus stop. Val dashed down the street as fast as his long legs could take him. The driver stopped the bus after seeing Val run along side the bus. Out of breath and tired, Val climbed on bored and sat alone on the left side of the bus yawning.
Upon arrival of the school the two girls he usually saw at the shop approached him and smiled widely. He had no idea what they were up to but he knew it wasn't good judging by the smiles on their face. "Excuse me girls, I need to get to class" with that said he moved them aside; still they continued to smile as he walked off. They whispered to one another and headed into the academy.
The halls were filled with teenagers in half uniform and half informal outfits like himself. He couldn't afford the uniform, seeing as though his family was down right poor. Val entered his science lap and sat down at his usual seat, alone from others who usually had partners to do labs with.
The science teacher walked in with a new student by his side. Val was too busy looking around for his science notebook. "Class, we have a new student, his name is Hero. I would like you all to be as polite to him as he is to may have a seat next to the infamous Valentine." When Valentine heard his name his head shot up just as he pulled out his notebook. The boy...the boy from the festival was his class room of all places. His eyes widened as Hero walked gracefully up to his seat.
(to be continued)
notes: ...this took some time to figure out to put together...Rose wanted something along this line...-sigh-
Rose: That's right baby!! woo ^w^ I love the way we leave them at a cliff hanger each time.
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