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My Valentine (part 13) By R&Z
Valentine lay in bed side by side with Hero. Hero's hair was covering one of his eyes as he lay there sleeping, his hand over Val's waist. Valentine pushed away the hair slowly trying not to wake Hero. A smile curled over Val's lips as he watched Hero. His breathing was soft, his face was far more angelic then his own, and his skin, softer then the fur he's felt.

It was that late night when Hero woke and sat on the edge of the bed. Valentine had fallen asleep watching him. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked over his shoulder at Val before fixing himself up to head back home. He didn't bother to write a note or wake up Val in his sleeping state.

Hero walked down the path that Valentine would take when he went on his usual walk. He could hear the music of the night as the gravel beneath him shifted every time he took a step towards his home. Fire flies conquered the woods that he was passing on by. The silent night seemed so peaceful, however now that he had taken a short cut through the forest, it shifted and the night crept around him. Fire flies lit his way as he walked with a bit of ease through the muddy path. He could hear something creeping in the bushes. Just as he was half way down the path he noticed a pocket knife on the ground stained with mud. He knew someone was around...Hero made the decision to walk a bit faster before the owner of the knife came looking for it. It looked like it had just been dropped. the handle was still knew and the blade seemed sharp when Hero looked closer.

Val woke yawning while Hero was walking through the woods to his house. Valentine looked at where Hero had once laid. He then turned his glance over at the room. He wasn't there and Val knew where he was going most likely...back home. "That jerk, he just leaves!?..." Valentine rose from bed and got himself ready as fast as possible.

As he slipped on his shoes to head out the door Hero was already out of the dark forest and onto the road in town. He wasn't far from his home now however he had no idea Valentine was on his way to catch up with him not knowing how far he really was.

Val reached the road and noticed a few footprints heading into the forest. "short cut? He took a short cut!?" Val asked himself as he sighed and began running deep inside. The fire flies didn't light his way as much as they had Hero's. Val felt the trees scratch their claws against his face as he got off the path. "damn, I wont make it in time!" Val said as he fell back onto the path again. He cleaned himself off but noticed the mud stains on his shirt.

Where the pocket knife had been for Hero, it had vanished when Valentine had reached the spot not aware of the item. He heard a few rustles but disregarded the sound. As he took a few steps forward an arm was wrapped around his waist and another over his mouth. Another man's body was pressed against his back as he squirmed to break free of the mans hold. However he failed in the attempt and was dragged off the path as he tried kicking and breaking from the hold. Val's eyes were wide open at this point, his breathing hard and his chest hurting him more then what the man was doing to him. The night seemed like it was suffocating him but it was all in his mind, he was trying to escape the mans grip really. Valentine watched as the fire flies faded away as he dragged deeper into the heart of the forest.

Hero reached the porch of the house before he looked over his shoulder and felt a chill run up his spine. He shook his head and entered his home closing the door behind him sighing deeply before heading to bed.

(to be continued)

...Part 14 is going to be shocking....

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N e v i n n o s t
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu May 17, 2007 @ 10:13pm
Awww..... Not cool... I still love you though no matter how creepy things get or how depressing it may become heart -hugs- I knwo that it was hard to write this. -hugs again- As all comments before this will be no different you say 14 will be shocking so shock me when it comes -grins-

~Your avid reader Snow

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