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I'm going crazy!
Have you ever had a time during summer night rain and lightning storms to just sit outside and watch it? That is my favorite type of weather. I do not know why but some people call me crazy for enjoying that. It is the best time for me to have a little time for myself away from the worries and burdens of the world. It is a time for me to think. I also like it when it is a cloudy night, and the moon is shining so brightly that the top part of the cloud is a bright white, while the bottom half is dark. I like to sit outside and watch the clouds pass by. It is the best time for me to think about my future and the life ahead of me.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat May 05, 2007 @ 05:46am
I like weather like that too, but it doesn't often happen so I resort to thinking in other relaxing areas and times. My hammock broke so much I don't think I could repair it but I can climb up into the trees if the branches aren't bunched up too much now. I either sit in a comfortable quiet and dark spot or watch water flow and listen to it while I think.

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