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My journal
All right read this.
OK, before you read this, I just wanted to let you know, I am going to put it in the nicest possible way I can, so if you are going to get offended, please kindly dismiss yourself from reading this.

All right, I have to say something that bugs me terribly, I just can't hold it in. I dislike it oh so bad when people say "oh I hate myself, and my life is terrible" and anything that sounds like that. I can understand about how you want to pour your feelings into your journal, but negativity is never the answer. You should at least think about the bright side. I read peoples journals to get an update on recent events and how they are feeling not to hear how miserable their lifes are going and not hear one positive thing. I can completely understand being sad and saying that, I don't mind that, but when you throw yourself a pitty party and don't even think about anything positive, that really gets on my nerves. For now, I do not think I will look into anybody's journal (with a few exceptions) because I am tired of this pessimism.

I hope that maybe one day, we can all understand how blessed we are, even though you do not realize it. Alot of people complain about how their parents hate them, and how their life sucks. Before you complain, think of all that you have and how little some people in the world have compared to you. Look, all of you have a roof over your head, most of you do not get abused by your parents, and if you do, then I am not talking about you.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Feb 09, 2008 @ 07:19pm
go austin!

commentCommented on: Sun Feb 10, 2008 @ 05:10am
I'm curious. Does my journal seem like that sometimes? I try not too, because negativity (fake negativity) really does bug me.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Feb 18, 2008 @ 03:10am
*not expecting an answer any time soon* Okay then...

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