This was my first Good Earth essay ever. It was for English
In the beginning of the book Good Earth Wang Lung was frugal with his money, because he did not have a lot to spend. When he was married to O-lan he was proud because she always worked diligently and would not ask questions. Even after giving birth she would work out in the fields with Wang Lung. During the time of the famine Wang Lung and his family had to leave the land and go to the south. While they were in the city to the south they did not have much money to buy food so O-lan and the children had to beg from the people for money. Wang Lung had to work nights to earn enough money so he and his family could go back to the land and be happy again. Wang Lung was happy that O-lan was his wife because she knew how to save money and how to spend only what was needed to spend.
There was a riot in the city one day due to people not wanting to go to war. Upset citizens overran the rich house that Wang Lung and family lived next to. Wang Lung not ever seeing this did not feel it was right to steal what wasn’t his even though he really needed the money. He eventually stole gold, silver, and other coins, and O-lan had found a brick that seemed out of place and found a small bag of gems that were worth a lot of money. After the incident Wang Lung and family left the city and went back to their home, but this time they were not poor they had become rich.
Because Wang Lung has become rich his attitude and his ego have changed dramatically. He looks at O-lan differently now and is displeased at her appearance. “I have labored and have grown rich and I would have my wife look less like a hind (Buck 170)”. Wang Lung never appreciated O-lan’s help in becoming rich; he felt that it was all his work and sacrifice that gave him the opportunity to have money.
After the flood hit the village Wang Lung got bored because he had nothing to do. He could not go out in the fields and there was nothing at home for him to do. So he was walking through the town when he found that there was a new building. It was a large two-story building in which he thought was just a large teashop. He later finds out that it was not just a teashop, but also a house of prostitution.
Every evening he would leave his family and would go to the teashop. At first he would go to have some tea and stare at the pictures of “dream women” that were on the wall. After Cuckoo found that he was going there she convinced him that the women on the wall were actually real and for a price he could be with any of them he chose. Well Wang Lung not knowing what was happening went along with it. After going to the teashop a few times he wanted to be with a small, slender woman that looked like a “bamboo”, named Lotus. He wanted nothing else except this woman and his lust for her got the best of him. She made Wang Lung her little puppet, and if she would ask for something Wang Lung would buy it for her. He spent much of his hard earned money on this woman but he didn’t care, he was in “love” with her. “Silver, then! Silver and gold! Anything to the very price of my land (Buck 294 LP)”. Wang Lung had fallen in love with Lotus and would do anything for her to be his wife even if it meant giving up all of his money and hard earned land. He was desperate for this woman but he never thought about O-lan who was becoming hurt over this situation. Wang Lung Spent almost all his money without thinking about whom was going to be in his house. He had his father, sons, O-lan, his uncle, aunt, and their sons to feed and now he has Cuckoo and Lotus to keep happy and to buy expensive foods and items for. So Wang Lung is changing constantly and doesn’t even realize what is happening.
Now Wang Lung has grown distant from his family and O-lan, but has become closer to this woman, Lotus, but is he happy with her? He is probably miserable but does not notice it yet; after a while he might realize that he was better off not meeting Lotus. Wang Lung will eventually realize that he messed up, but will not know how to fix it because Cuckoo and Lotus are living in his house and he and O-lan are ever more separated.
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