Hope, Despair, and Memory
To date over 25,000,000 people have visited the memorial of the Concentration Camp Auschwitz. These visitors never want to forget the tragedy that occurred inside this camp during the reign of the Nazis and the time of the Holocaust. Society is required not to forget about what happened during any wars, attacks on their countries, or other atrocities that have happened throughout the world. Memorials such as “The Wall” and “Auschwitz” have a major impact on the world. These memorials were erected so that the people who served their countries would never be forgotten and so that suffering gets a second thought before what causes it is set into motion.
The Vietnam War Memorial, also known as “The Wall”, has on it the name of every person who gave their lives fighting for our country. The total number of casualties for our country is 58,166, and this includes men and women. These brave people gave their lives to the country they loved and to protect the individuals they loved. To this day, no one wants to forget what this war has done. To this day, remembrance of this ill-fated war is a necessity. We must think about our actions before we set out to finish them.
Another memorial that has greatly moved the people of the world is the Auschwitz Memorial. Sadly, there were 1,600,000 people murdered in this camp during the Holocaust, all due to the Nazi’s plan to annihilate, called the “Final Solution”. Many of these people were Jewish and were treated unfairly during this time of darkness. The entire world felt the impact of the Nazi regime. Allied forces joined together to defeat the enemy threat resulting in major casualties. The Memorial has been set in place not only for the dead but also for the living, so we can see what happened and therefore never forget, preventing the next chance of hostility.
Memorials have a special meaning for everyone. For some, it is to be closer to the ones they lost; for others, it’s a sacred place for the dead. For most though, it’s a place of remembrance and a feeling of safety. These memorials are in fact some of the world’s only places that show people just how important it is never to forget the past but to embrace it and correct problems before we create another tragedy.
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