Coming to an end, whispering my hearts thoughts
Why must all good things come to an end? Foolish was I to bring another in my heart. A friend so wise, dearest to me, love hath made me blind, and my own world crumbles.
I don't like this reality, I hate this dead life I live. Love is to frail and friendships all come to an end.
Hold me close once again, let me feel your skin brush against mine, your love radiating off you. To be cared for once again, all that I care for...all that I want.
Breaking out of habit, wanting more, giving up pleasure, for you, you will never truly understand the ghost I am. A phantom in your memory, one you cared for, tales of new but dreams of the past.
Let me love you, help me to live again, bring your sorrow, let me mend that broken heart. Dry those tears, no more shall be shed in my presence.
All good things shall return...let me back in your heart, friendships return to good old days, no longer will we be still life in photographs of old.
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