Something's wrong.....
Tsumi was ready to strike at the stranger. "What do you want?!?! Leave me alone!" By this time tears were streaming down her face, "Please!" Ookami, confused by her actions, stepped back. "I didn't come here to hurt you.....either of you. I just saw that something was wrong....Please let me help!" Tsumi lowered her weapon but still had it in a position where she could strike. She stuttered,"H-how do I know I can t-trust you?" Ookami flinched a bit. "If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it by now....Now please! He's going to die!" She looked down at her book pouch. "And maybe you can help." Tsumi stared at her, confused, frightened, and above all, angry. "It's your I right?" Ookami smirked and tilted her head. "H-how did you know that?!" She dropped the sword in astonishment, the blade clinking against the ground. "Ill explain later....right now we need to save him!" She ran towards the boy still bleeding to death. Tsumi gathered herself and walked over. "Let me see your hand." "Why?" Tsumi was still skeptical. "Just give me your hand! Now!" Ookami was shouting by now, her eyes a light red in frustration and annoyance. Tsumi stretched out one arm slowly. She shook terrified. How did this stranger know it was her birthday? Why did she want to see her hand? And above all, why did she care for this boy she never knew?
Ookami waved her hand and taped the middle of Tsumi's palm. "What on Earth are you..." Tsumi's eyes lit up at the now glowing symbol on her hand. "Not on Earth, my friend." "Wha...what the hell is that?!?" "That my friend," Ookami smirked, "is the sign of you clan....of your power." Tsuki didn't know what to say or do. She just stood there, eyes wide, staring at the glowing symbol. "We have no time! Quickly!" Ookami interrupted her confusion. "You are one of the very last of the nurturers. I am banned from using that type of magic on others. Please, you must repeat what I say. Put your hand on the boys forehead." Tsumi did what she was told. "Now, repeat after me:" Ookami spoke an ancient language even I cant comprehend, or write for that matter.."....I-I'll try" Tsumi repeated it exactly, word for word. Mid-way she could feel power pulsing through herself, into her hand, then into the boys head. A small aura came from her body.
Tsumi had finished. "Something isn't right.." Ookami became worried and paranoid, changing her eyes to a sickly blue. "He should be fine by now....Something is wrong...." She touched the boys head, but there was no response. "...Did I say it right? I think I said something wrong....." Ookami shook her head. " repeated it perfectly......" She shook her head again, "Something is blocking it out...I think dark magic...." Tsumi had seen the two figures in the mountain before. However, she didn't think anything of it...until now. Ookami closed her eyes and thought for a moment. "Let me try something..."
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