As night began to fall over them, Ookami surged a ball of red energy and put it into the ground. "That should help." Ookami sat on the ground and looked at the boy. Tsumi felt something in the air disintegrate. What is going on... were her only thoughts. "Now, we wait."
Ookami and Tsumi's features began to change. Ookami's dark hair turned to a bright silver that glistened in the star and moonlight. Tsumi's eyes had also changed from her normal purple, to a grayish-blue. The red streaks in her hair turned blue as well.
The two girls sat there, helpless. Suddenly...young Hono twitched, making Tsumi jump. Ookami just stared, waiting. Tsumi knew they were being watched by the mysterious figures in the mountain, but now had forgotten all about them. She lie a hand on his shoulder, all of this just coming at her now is just.....overwhelming. Ookami smirked, but it soon faded as he twitched again. A deer came walking by, Ookami and Tsumi both stood and stared at the creature. It scampered away. When the two girls turned back around, Hono was sitting up, his legs folded, one hand rubbing his eyes, the other leaning against his legs. Tsumi and Ookami both jumped. "H-How is that possible?! He was almost dead!" exclaimed Tsumi, "You said nothing could be done!" Ookami just stood there, staring at the young fox boy. The one distinct feature that she noticed was that he had a symbol around his neck. "Ookami! I need to know what is going on!" Tsumi was amazed she even knew her name. Ookami sighed, finally ending her train of thought. "Hey....where am I?" Hono said, looking around and yawning,"It feels like I've been asleep for days, and why does my head hurt?!" He put a hand on the back of his head, fox tail flicking.
Ookami smirked,"Why hello there, little Hono, I can see you are far from the Hono no Kitsune." Hono looked surprised,"How did you know that?" Tsumi just stood there, mouth agape, she didn't know what to think of the situation. Ookami sighed again," Let me break it down for you:" And she began her explanation:
"Our friend here, a fox breed as you can plainly see, is of the Hono no Kitsune, or Foxes of Fire. He is young and weak minded so he doesn't know much. The reason I knew that was because of your mark, Hono. I am of the Senshi Ookami, or Warrior-Wolves. However, I'm technically a cross-breed...My mother was Senshi Ookami and my father was Tei no Tenshi, or angels of air. Hono, you should have known that by the marks that run throughout my arms and legs and 'extras', as mortals would call it. Tsumi, do you remember the mark on your hand? That is the mark of the Yoku Narimasu no Usagi, or Hares of Healing. You are one of the key elements in our unique society...You are a healer, a nurturer, and a strong one at that! There are other groups, but either most of them are either gone or I can't remember them. However, there was one more I can remember, Isei no Kurohyou, Panthers of Power."
Tsumi's face went white. All of this information, all of this power, was overwhelming to her. She grabbed her wrist and stared at her hand.
High above them in the mountains stood the two figures. Aiko's father said,"We have found them......3 of the other world have been found. Aiko, we will soon have our revenge. The other world shall be recreated here..." Aiko nodded, swaying her black tail back and forth.
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