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Mekura's Cereal Box! Opinionated writings about my really boring life. Just take a look and cry at the pathetic journal enteries I spend five hours on. Otherwise, YOU SIMMER!

Gnarly The Dolphin
Community Member
Georage and Janet
Hi I have made up two characters to inform you about Gaia poltics. All though the humor in here isn't very good so heh. =3 But this shall..inform..you..and..stuff...>>;;.
Special news update as we take a closer view when, Cats attack!
*dun dun dun*
Thanks for the sound affect Georage.
Janet: Hi I am Janet your special, beautiful, pretty femmine, single, looking,---
Geroge: And I am Georage. And I don't tell anyone that Janet really wears a wig. ^.^
Janet: Thanks Georage. Anyways like a mysterious voice said, When cats attack. We never looked deeply into the convent and yet never really cared. Here is a clip that really changed out minds.
*showing a cat attacking helpless baby*

Janet: And we were also convince that it is consider child abuse to and we were threaten by angry mothers. ^.^;;;
Georage: So was that a real cat attacking a real boy?
Janet: Yes thats a real clip. O.O But a question remains: Why catch it on a video?
Georage: So you can laugh at it! And say how silly that was.
Janet: The boy is dead.
Georage: Send it to American Funniest Home Videos?
Janet: Anyways thats all the time in our news update please join us next time when a person thinks he can really talk to the master of Gaia, Admin.

*a random person* It is like...I can understand what he is going through and how he does it all. I really believe I can talk to him.

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