Being consumed of something can lead to ones downfall in the most horrific manner. lately I feel as though I've been consumed by the most awkward of thing.
The worst part is I can't bring myself to stop. My life seems to have been put on hold, the things I do become nothing but selfish greetings and my whole world seems as though it's been thrown into darkness...
As you know, for us humans we are blinded when the lights turn out. Think of what you see when the lights turn off...a dark and empty shell of pure nothing. You see ebony wherever you go. Your heart speeds up, feeling your heart beat against your chest like a drum. The feel circulates through your body and soon you can feel your own beating heart just by standing there.
The darkness consumes me like a black whole, sucking everything in and all that has been consumed...can never be retrieved.
I try to escape, however the tight hold it has on me I can't release myself from. Maybe it's because I don't want to be free...maybe I want to continue like this...
So see me with a blind fold on...lost in a crowed with others...however while everyones blindfold is white...mine is a deep black...walking backwards from everyone and everything I know and have grasped over the years.
Community Member
You have a great ablilty to see what others cannot, even if you blindfold is a deep black.