Part 1 the begging(don't have to read but recomend reading)
In Small Island somewhere in Asia live two princesses. "Sis Why must we learn what you call it English?" said Amanda. "Sis, look it a modern world of computer and technology, this United State of America holds world power so we must learn it for trade, for we one day be Queen and do trade with this so call United State of America.” Said Flora. They both was twin pretty, good manner, and very different. Amanda was wild and love to wear short and bright color, while Flora love plane color and is very shy. Flora love book and soccer. Amanda love to dancing and poverty. They were modern princess and must learn trade to English and world affair to country problem like disease.” My dear nieces, how lovely to meet you. Need anything?” Said their Aunt Rena “Yes, you got any book on Untied States Marking?” they both said at once. “I see what I can get?” As she left to her room.
“Why can’t I be Queen? I got a son who will be a much better ruler then that stupid twin!” “Mom look I said for the 100th time the only way for you to be queen is to get rid of the wantable heiress!” Said DeLock her son, “Easier said then done we can’t kill them, they watch 24/7 plus too many spy!” “Well the royal heiress Party to announce the new ruler coming soon , say they not there and consider dead, maybe I be king” “DeLock, brilliants, what if they return? How we get rid of them without killing them?” Said his mom. “Say there father went to France to say, meet the governor who say was not there suppose he got arrest...we then keep him there make you queen crown mw then kill him.” DeLock said. “good plain don’t kill him until we gain power and no danger of being found out, what about those Uggg daughter of his” “say they went to find daddy in France and end up on say an deserted island die of starvation...”.........
Part 2 the Plan (read)
DeLock: Mom make sure he sign the paper that if he did you get the kingdoms until he daughter can be Queen
Aunt Rena: yes got it
DeLock: Got it Robert, when you see him talking to you like you are the governor, tricks him to a ride. Offer him a cup of wine and then when he drunk throws him in the dungeon.
Robert: Yes
DeLock: Now change his paper to France to see the governors, and Ben you got the fake ticket to the plane where you fly them to a deserted island, right.
Ben: Yup
DeLock: Now let begin
“Rena prepares my paper I need to sign to confirm my meeting” said King. “Here sign here” (Rena) “Shouldn’t I overview it, UN rolls the whole paper” “No I already did, just sign”......
Part 3: Lost
A week later.......
King: You b*****d get me out of this dungeon!
“Amanda jump of the plane! Now!” shouted Flora. “Why I haven’t even got ready” “That men got a gun!” As they both jump off the plane
1 hrs later
“Wake up Amanda we somewhere...” said Flora “you’re bleeding “As she grabs her bandana and clover her sister arm. “Where those two, I kill them since they are not on the deserted but U.S.A.” as he hide his gun. “Amanda we need to hide, guns and wait him said U.S.A. what that” “Flora this people speak English. Let ask them.’ As Amanda went and ask them. “We are in united ...” “I remember now America...” As they heard gun shot “run” they both said “I can’t I hurt my knee” said Amanda as she fainted. “Hey this door is open!” as she push Amanda in.”Bye Amada I won’t make it ......” as she fainted she lost too much blood.
3 day later
“Where am I? Flora” “you woke up, weird coming down a stair see an injured person. Lucky I am a doctor, your wound deep like you fall from a high point or huge car accident.” “Didn’t you see anyone else?” “Nope” “Flora, she can’t be dead...” “Noooooo!” As she got up but fail. “You knee badly damage you have to let it rest for couple more day, I saw a girl with long black hair carried into a car...” “Wait long brown hair up, rip clothes, blood, and cover in blood?” “Yea like that’” So Flora alive some were. “Where am I” “well my apartments in Malabo, Ca of course. State forgets America made up of states. Wow my knee id badge carefully.
“Amanda!!!!” “Is that your name girl?” “No, it Flora.” “Strange to find a teenage girl on the street cover in blood, gang?” “Teenager you must be crazy I probably older then you. What you name? What the closest airport? Store?” She may be cute but rude. “Ken, 50 miles always the closest airport, store a couple block from here. My turn age, how you got you damage, and why you need to know about air port?” Strange culture o well “22, and other you don’t need to know.” As she got up. “The doctor said to rest for couple of day ...” “thanks, buy: “wait you need a ride?” As he pull his motorcycle out. “Fine “As she got on and found the place she pushes her sister in. The door open. “Flora so glad to meet you.” “Let go” “wait “said the doctor “her knee not heal.” “I fine” said Amanda As they both was about to leave as a same guy came and pull out the gun ‘you girl follow me you two guy don’t move.” As they follow he then Ken throw a vase he shot it as the girl got down, the pikes got in his eye. “I got the gun, tie him up.” “So mind explaining. My name by the way my name is Jin.” Said the doctor. “O right if you wanted hear thought you won’t believe it .”
They start exiling about their kindom, father in jail in France or kidnap there “we was on the plane about to be headed an island to die. The guy tied us up lucky I got a pocket knife to cut fruit on the plane. We got untie then he saw us as we put on the back fill with those falling item. But then he shoots the gun and we jump off...” “So that how you got the injuries” said Jin. “You believe them!” “How else could cost such a huge amount of damage. “So can you help us get to France and save our father?”
Part 4 he Rescue
“Freeze” man he got a gun said Amanda. “There he taken care of “said ken. “Now from this map he right ...... here” said Jin “Dad!” Said Amanda and Flora They got him out and on the plane. “How in the world do you look like that?” Said dad. “Well they were supposed to die on an island but killing you 4 sound funs to.” “DeLock, you’re behind this...” “Yes in min the plane will blow up and I will be fine” as DeLock jump out the plane with his parshoot. “Don’t worry I can land this before it blow up, only a 50% it will fail.” said Jin “50% that crazy!” said Amanda. “Worth a try” Said her dad. “The weal sucks!” As all of them help him push it move so fast they land on the ground fast but was hurt. “Hurry up it will explode!” As Ken help them out. The plane explodes and ken was the closet, he bleeds the most.
3 month later
“Thanks you two for saving me and helping my daughter.” Said the king “ok there Ken, how your leg? Said Flora “fine next beside you.”
“And I caught the two behind this. They beam arrested, my own sister and her son.” said the king. “Anyway I can repay you?” “Well. A date with your daughter.....”Both the guy said
i cut out some detail to shorten it so imagine those part.
Images og character:


Amanda in princess clothes

Flora in princess clothes