OC Story and Background :
They all live in a made up land call Wux. Wux consist of 6 main kingdom: Flower (nature), Green(air), Metal Kingdom (metal), Mountain(earth), sea(water), and Desert (fire).Each kingdom is famous for something.

Green is famous for fresh pure air and the windy weather there. Many people live there but manly artist and scholar. The north area is so windy no one live there. Known for the vast amount of beautiful art to huge library with information on everything.
My twin OC:
Name: Yi
gender: female
Hair color:black
Length: medium length,
Hair style choice 1: tie in a pony tail
Hair style choice 2:
Top choice 1:puffy sleeve shirt
Top choice 2:
Top choice 3:
bottom choice 1: Long pants with elegant design on the bottom. It have 2 belt one loose kinda diagonal and one sight on his pants
bottom choice 2:
bottom choice 3:
shoe choice 1: some kind of elegant dark shoe
Shoe choice 2:
Shoe choice 3:
Other: carried a sword and got a serious personality.
Head wear choice 1:Wear a long white headband on her head.
head wear choice 2:
head wear choice 3:


Background: She is a princess and rule over the green kingdom in a made up land Call Wux.She is a general of her army. She has a black belt in marital art and excellence swordsmanship skill. She very serious and stubborn.
Name: Yu (girl)
IMPORTANT :Yi twin sister
age: teen
Hair color: Black
Length: long
Hair style choice 1: pony tail tie with a ribbon
hair style choice 2:
hair style choice 3:
eye color: green
outfit 1: a fancy white/green dress where the lower half (skirt part) have many layer
outfit 2:
outfit 3:
gloves choice 1:finger gloves that are lacy and long
gloves choice 2:
gloves choice 3:
Shoe choice 1: wear long boot and got a white rose on her head
Shoe choice 2:
Shoe choice 3:
Other: hold a white lotus

background info: She is a princess and rule over the green kingdom in a made up land Call Wux. She is Yi younger sister. She is very different from her sister. She is kind and gentle. She easy going and relax compare to her serious sister. She very talented in music. She play many instrument and is the best dancer and singer in her country.

Desert is an extremely hot place with many casino. Known for a wast land of thief and bandit. The north area have a few city with good people living in it. The rest of the land have many bars, casino, and full of bad people such as thief and criminal.
age: 16 teenager
hair: long green hair ( not a dark green color)
hairstyle choice 1: Hair down
Hairstyle choice 2: In a braid
Hairstyle choice 3: Hair down and with braid (one or 2, no ref yet)
Hair style choice 4: Hair in 2 braid
eye color:purple
Outfit 1 top: corset with:
Choice A)purple with brown or yellow string See OUTFIT 1 REF 2 if you are confuse
Choice B) with fur like thing on top. See OUTFIT 1 REF 1
Other: Tie with a metal clasp on the back.
outfit 2 top: A corset (it got lace at the bottom of it) with a paid shirt under it. For REF look at outfit 2 picture.
Vest: She sometime wear a long brown vest with the corset (OUTFIT 1 ONLY, no ref picture yet)
outfit 1 bottom: jean skirt with brown fur thingy on the end and a belt with a heart buckle
outfit 2 bottom: A skirt layer with another skirt that really long but only on one side. See OUTFIT 2 ref cuz it really confusing to explain.
outfit 1 Shoe: Brown boot with animal fur or feather leg warmer
personality: Stubborn, smart and quick thinker. Strong, fast, and quite atheistic.
outfit 2 boot: Boot and sock with belt (look at REF cuz it confusing to explain)
outfit 1 gloves: no gloves, she wear wear like wrist band
outfit 2 gloves: See ref for an idea how it look like or design another gloves you think would look good
Other: Usually carry a bow (both outfit)
talent: she can ride a horse, shoot gun, arrow, cross bow, and have good senses (gut instinct, good eye.hearing etc)


Background: She live in the Desert Kingdom of Wux. Her father is a rich merchant and own a fine restaurant. He want her to be a fine lady while she want to be a wild cowgirl. She love the wild desert lifestyle. She ran away from home after her father told her she must live the life he want for her and she have no freedom. She left to live her own life and make her own choices.

Mountain Kingdom is a rocky place located in mountous area. Very hard to travel though and smallest group of people living there. Very few road to travel. The people consist of miner and village folk who live simple life. Famous for the vast amount of priceless gem and rare mountain animal.
Male OC
Age: 19
Hair color: long black and white hair together
Hairstyle choice 1: Down
Hair style choice 2: pony tail
eye color:black
Clothing outfit 1: Jacket that held together by belt. You can draw the belt like ref or any way you think it would the best. I want the jacket rip like first REF. picture .
clothing outfit 2 : A robe with or without pants. I prefer the robe look like Ref 2 but you can change to design to something you think look better.
clothing style choice 3 : He wear a rip jacket only (jacket is not rip in reference picture) and their no shirt under it. One of the sleeve is rip off. (sorry not in ref either) He got 6 pack and he pretty buff. The sleeve are rip too but it not shown in ref picture.He wear a pants with belts on it like this [x] sort of or a pants with some kinda fancy design on the bottom. Feel free to change,edit, or fix the design if you want.Wear a long headband.
I don't really like the design too much XD
outfit 1 shoe: boot with belts on them
outfit 2 shoe: boot with shoelace or belts
outfit 3 shoe: Don't really know. Boot with belt again? otherwise if you got better idea go for it.
outfit 1 gloves: Red with belt like the REF picture
outfit 2 gloves: don't have any but hand is wrap in black clothes like mummy wrap
outfit 3 gloves 3: Some type of cool fingerless monochrome color with belt. He wear one gloves long and one short. The long one is where one sleeve is rip off.
other: carried a sword always



Background: Came from the land of Hill know. A master of swordsman and one of the best in Wux. He is strong and serious. He appear rude and harsh because he his very honest and speak his mind often. He have no family and was abounded when he was young to his master. His goal in life is to full fill his master wish which is to be the best sword.His master wish really is for him to be happy but he think being happy is to be best swordsman. He only care about his goal-being the best swordsman.

Sea Kingdom is located near the sea and relay heavily on the sea for food and it way of living. People live everywhere and most people are work as fisherman, boat man, or owner of ship who transport traveler.Pirate travel around various part of the sea.

Metal Kingdom is a dangerous place with many lighting storm that provide electricity to all the kingdom. Consist of many factory creating many type of metal. Many people live in the eastern city which is just like a modern city and have fewer lighting storm. Known for famous inventor of various item and metal worker.

Flower kingdom famous for is vast amount of forest and plants. Most people are healer (doctor) and famous for the best healing school. Some healer work in other part of wux and different kingdom to help cure the sick. Have the best medicine in Wux.
Age: 19
REF Sheet: