HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I'm bored~ I'm celebrating for it also~ Woo~!!!! *holds bottle of sake in one hand* PARTY~!!!!! lol XD. Anyways I'm really, really, really, bored. Like always I'm always bored and I'll post a journal entry up. I'm just like that, don't ask okay. Because I know people are gonna ask me. - . - MWUAHAHAHAH!!!!! Anyways here is a little anime pic of me as a kitsune~  Lovely isn't it~ >W< Lol. Anyways. So bored. Hmmm. Cookies. Do you like cookies? Cause I do. Cookies are good sugary snacks of goodness. You can't resist the cookie no matter how hard you try you just can't resist it!!!!! See!!!! look at the cookie icons~!!! You know you can't resist the sugary goodness~!!!!!! >W< Lovely icon of goodness. *takes bite of cookie* COOKIES!!! COOOKIES~!!!!! DON'T STEAL MEH COOKIES~!!! CAUSE THEY'RE MINE~!!!! lol XD Anyways I'm bored. So I'm just gonna rest a bit and then deal with school. Bummer. Anyways bye bye~ Write later~!!!! >W<
X P 4 N D 4_C H 4 N X · Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 04:19am · 0 Comments |