I sighed and looked away, not making eye contact. I've seen enough red.
"You're finally awake. You were out for 2 days!" Haruka said huggin my arm.
"Gawd...who's fault was that."
Haruka smiled and tugged me to get up, I wasn't in a mood to argue with her so I did get up, by myself. She pulled me all the way through the door way and into a huge long hallway.
Haruka giggled a little. (Before you can read on this is what I had on getting out of bed.)
 (tis wearing a unifomr...I wore this uniform for school.)
Soon after a few minutes later, me and Haruka reached outside where it was nice and warm , and the others behind me following us smiled and kept staring at me..
I smiled anyways not caring what they did. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe.
"It feeld better here then that rugged place Rai." Haruka said holding my hand.
I looked down smiling and looked out. It was beautiful. There was a lot of green leaves and trees. Way better then Soul Society. All there was, was deserted deserts.
"Welcome home Rai-nee-chan.."
I looked back and there is a girl who was cute and was holding a black cat doll.
She smiled and walked over hugging my leg. Yea, that was how small she was. I couldn't take it, she was way too cute. I picked her up holding her and hugging her. And waht i said, I never thought I would even say in a situation at all.
"I'm home." My face softened and my smile was warm to her.
That was when I could feel the aura at ease. Everybody was smiling. Haruka tugging at my shirt wanting a hug and this girl I'm holding on to.
"She's Harumi. My twin sister. We don't look alike though." Haruka said looking up at me.
I looked at Harumi and smiled again. She stroked my hair and took a strand of my hair and admiring it.
"Your hair is nicer then mines." Harumi said.
I laughed a little.
"Before we can do anything else...who are those 3 following us...?" I said placing Harumi gently down, even though she hugged my leg again.
"Oh. This is our brothers. He's Sasori.

"This is Ryu,"

"And finally this is Kureno."

I kinda stared. They were cute. And I was assuming they were my brothers.
"Yes Rai, they are your brothers." Haruka and Harumi said smiling.
Damn it...I knew it. This was going ot be hell for me. Starting today.
X P 4 N D 4_C H 4 N X · Tue Aug 14, 2007 @ 01:55pm · 0 Comments |