I stared at Kuerno, Sasori, and Ryu. They were smiling so soft and warm to me. They were even taller then me. Meaning I'm their little sister. But Harumi and Haruka are my little sisters...I guess.
"We should show you around Rai. Since you don't know how your new home will be." Sasori said taking my hand.
Ryu took my other hand and left Kureno nothing to hold.
"HEY GUYS I WANNA HOLD HER HAND!!!!" Kureno yelled.
"Next time Kureno, next time.' Said Ryu and Sasori smirking back at him.
Well...me...I was kinda in shock. Their hands were soft and warm and bigger then mine. They completely wrapped my hand with theirs. >x< Harumi and Haruka were behind holding on to my shirt walking.
Kureno was sulking behind but still followed.
"This is our garden." Said Sasori.
He pointed to the right. It was a beautiful rose garden. There were red, pink and blue roses. They dyed some of them black that made me get more interested in the roses. I say a pure bright dark red rose that made me smile.
"It's beautiful." I said looking at the garden.
"Hehehe. You should see the front yard." Ryu said leading us forward.
We walked for a couple of minutes and we stopped at a corner.
"Prepare yourself to be amazed at our front yard." Ryu said dramatically.
We turned at the corner and all you see is a limousine i the drive way with a fresh green grass and there are flowers everywhere.
"This looks like the rose garden." I said stuutering in shock.
"Yea. It is kinda." Ryu said.
"Well. next we have the pool. The-"
"Deary we're home!" A soft voice came from inside the limousine.
"Did you get our little Rai?" A man voice that sounded young also.
"Yes we did papa." Harumi and Haruka said walking forward to the limousine but still they kept hold of me so I followed.
"Here she is." Sasori and Ryu sang.
Two people walked out the car and they were young...real young. o.o I couldn't believe they were the father and mother of these guys.
(Here they are!!!)
 (they were wearing those clothes and yesh they are very very young)
They got out and ran towards me tackle glomping me to the ground.
"Ehhh? Baby?"
"She is cute. She taker her looks from your mother." The man said petting my head.
"Hey there sweetie, name is Suzumi. Call mee Mama though. ^-^"
"Name is Kurami. Papa is fine too squirt." He kept petting my head.
I blushed. They were so young, and to top it off. They were my mom and dad. -looks back- And they're my little sister and big brother.
Eyes swirled. Harumi and Haruka jumped in with hugging and Kureno, Sasori, and Ryu laughed and smiled.
Errrrmmm....this was going to be tough on the first day. But I will get use to it soon....but I do want to ask them...if I'm really their child...that's the only thing haunting my mind now.
(Next chapter will be up tomorrow. Short chapters. I know. But I will make them longer. Do not worry.)
X P 4 N D 4_C H 4 N X · Wed Aug 15, 2007 @ 07:43am · 0 Comments |