~ Done as an entry for the Biweekly NPC Slash Challenge, found here. It's my first entry, though I hope to do more. It's kinda random and not so good but it was fun XD ~
Leon shivered. Standing outside Gambino mansion all night was not fun, especially on a night as cold as this was. But it brought in the gold, so he'd put up with it. He wondered again why it was that he was here, and not patrolling Gaia as he usually would. Sure, he knew it was because Gambino had paid him triple his normal wage to do it, but that wasn't what he wanted to know. Leon wanted to know what was so important that Gambino had hired him to stand there all night, not just occasionally stop by the mansion during his patrol. It just didn't seem right, somehow. Something was up, Leon was sure of it.
But he had no time to pursue this thought as he had noticed someone approaching and was instantly on his guard. The figure was definitely female, he could make that much out, but no other details were visible as the figure was cloaked in shadow.
Leon gasped as suddenly she was next to him, seemingly without having moved. But that wasn't what had startled him. Leon was trembling with fright, as he looked upon what was surely a ghost - Anna Corinne Von Helson.
"But... but you're dead!" Leon managed to cry out. "You died when the tower fell! It was all over the news!"
Anna suddenly seemed to become tearful, and Leon instantly regretted what he'd said. Being a ghost, she would hardly like to be reminded she was dead, would she?
Anna seemed to almost laugh as she said, "You think I'm a ghost, don't you? Well, I'm very definitely human. I didn't die when the tower fell, because..." she stumbled over her words as tears formed in her eyes but still she carried on, "because my sister shielded me from it so that whilst she died, I escaped with nothing worse than a few broken bones."
Leon felt great sympathy for the former twin. He was quite soft-hearted really and couldn't bear to see her so unhappy, especially as he'd always quite liked Anna. But he was burning with curiosity to know what had happened next, so gently prompted her to carry on.
"I crawled away as best I could and went to stay with a friend," she continued hesitantly. "Over time I healed, and I've now returned to Gaia to regain what I lost that terrible day."
She shuddered and Leon gingerly put an arm around her. To be this close to Anna was quite intoxicating and all Leon could think of was his desire to be closer. But he forced his mind to concentrate on what she was saying. Which was nothing. He gradually realised that he should be saying something now and quickly stuttered out, "Oh, err... I'm so sorry... you know... about what happened to your sister and that..."
Anna laughed her beautiful, tinkling laugh and hugged him tight. Shocked, Leon hugged her back and realised how wonderful she smelt.
Then he realised what a weird thought that was.
But Anna was speaking again, so he swiftly dropped that thought and focused on her words.
"I really need you to help me Leon," she looked up at him pleadingly. "I've nowhere to stay and I was wondering if... perhaps.... Leon would you mind if I stayed at your place? It won't be for long - just until I've found somewhere else to stay. Please?"
Leon didn't need to think twice. He instantly replied in the affirmative, then wondered if perhaps he'd spoken too soon and should have left it a while to seem as if he was deliberating over it. Ah well, too late now.
"Oh thank you so much!" she cried, and hugged him again. Leon grinned; today was his lucky day.
"But you'll have to show me where it is. I've never had to know where you live before. And it's pretty cold out here so I'd like to get inside quickly, if you don't mind."
Leon pondered this. He knew he shouldn't leave his post, especially as this was such an unusual case. But Anna was desperate to go somewhere warm, and she must have been much colder than he in her light, airy outfit. "Perhaps I could give you directions? I really shouldn't leave my post as there's something important going on inside."
Anna stared at him in disbelief. "You really believe that Gambino has something significant going on in there?! Well, I suppose you weren't to know..."
"What? Know what?" Leon didn't like the feeling that he was being left out of something other people seemed to know.
"I hate to have to tell you but... Gambino only hired you to stand there all night 'cause he got drunk and accepted a dare to get you to stand outside his mansion for a whole night. Without you suspecting a thing. I know because my friend, the one who I stayed with as I healed, was the one to give the dare. I was appalled at her for doing so, as she knew it would result in you freezing half to death for no reason. That's why I moved and until recently was looking for somewhere to stay."
Leon was shocked. Not just at that Gambino could be so heartless as to do something like this, but also at that Anna had left her only place of residence because of some cruel trick being played on him. That settled it.
"Right then," he said. "We'd better get going. Come on, my house is down this way."
"Thank you so much Leon! I'm eternally grateful." she beamed up at him, and just managed to suppress an evil laugh.
"It's no problem, really," Leon replied awkwardly. All his attention was on the young woman who's shoulders his arm enveloped, and he completely failed to notice a figure, similar to the one next to him, creeping up toward the gate of the unguarded mansion.
Anna Corinne noticed it though, and smiled at the passing silhouette, before returning her mind to the task at hand - Leon.
"Do you drink much, Leon?" she asked innocently, once they had reached his home and he had courteously shown her where she would be sleeping.
"Me? Well, not on the job, no, and I avoid getting drunk as I can't really do my duty with a hangover."
"Well, tonight you can get drunk and not give a care for tomorrow. You probably won't have much of a job, or duty, by the time morning breaks.
Leon, completely caught up in her charm, missed the implication of her words. He merely wandered out to his kitchen, fetched a few packs of lager, and came back with them.
Lager wasn't Anna's type of drink, but she didn't care as long as Leon got stoned. He wouldn't notice if she never actually drank it, just held it to her lips a few times and looked happy.
Watching Leon get drunk was quite a tedious affair, she discovered. It took a long time, him being so big, and he was incredibly dull to listen to. But the lager eventually had the desired effect. Supporting his bulk as best she could, she took him to his room, stripped him naked and lay him down. She then pulled off her clothes, leaving them carelessly draped around his room and got in to the bed beside him, giving the appearance that they'd had a fun night together.
When he eventually awoke, Leon had absolutely no recollection of the night before, except that he had taken Anna in as she had been homeless. He noticed the twin-less twin curled up beside him, and pieced together what must have happened. He smiled as he thought of just how lucky he was. He had a pounding headache and felt sore all over, but he was very lucky.
Or so he thought.
Leon awoke again later, to find that Anna had gone and a small piece of paper lay in her place. He stared at it for a while, trying to make out the words, and eventually his eyes stopped swimming and he could just about read:
'Dear Leon,
I hope you had fun last night. I know I did. I've gone out to deal with some business, and probably won't be coming back. I do hope you'll be able to get a better job, by the way. I don't, however, hope you'll forgive me, as I know that'd be asking the impossible.
Enjoy your ignorance whilst you still have it,
Anna Corinne'
Leon reread it a few times. He didn't understand. Why would he need a better job? Forgive her for what? And what the hell did that word i... ignor... whatever it was mean? He decided to think about it later as the light was making his headache worse and his body cried out for rest.
Whilst Leon had been trying to understand the note Anna had left him, the woman in question had returned to observe the carnage that was once Gambino mansion. She smiled as the crowd surrounding the wreckage grew, hoping for a body to be uncovered. She could see Cindy Donovinh in her helicopter, getting a good pan of the ruins below, no doubt.
She felt rather than saw a figure walk up to stand next to her.
"Are you sure there's no survivors?" she asked, in a moment of sudden doubt. But her misgiving was unnecessary.
"Certain," came the short reply, from a voice quite similar to her own. "And before you ask, I'm certain also that every Gaian in a ruling position was attending the meeting. There have been no slip ups."
"Good. I'm sorry for doubting you. And I can assure you that Leon was nowhere near, and that all blame will fall on him."
The figure, so alike Anna it was uncanny, laughed in the same tinkling way she did.
"Unlike you, I don't doubt my kin."
Anna seemed embarrassed though quickly covered it up by moving the discussion on to what they would do next.
And soon, very soon, everyone across Gaia would know that--
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I like it, but poor, woefully ignorant Leon.