~ Yay go me my second entry! And this one even has a title XD Click here to be magically transported to the Biweekly Slash Challenge thread. Anyhow, it kinda came to me whilst staring absently at Josie and hoping for ideas so it's quite random and completely unplanned. The personalities are different, I think, to what they probably should be but ah well. Hope you enjoy it anyway XD ~
The Best Worst Day of her Life
It was a cold night, and Moira was looking forward to getting home where she could settle down close to the fire with a nice, hot cup of cocoa and a good movie. Or as she was short on cocoa and good movies, just settle down close to the fire. She smiled at the prospect, as she trudged on towards her home.
Moira noticed that the sky was tinged slightly with an orange-y glow, but thought nothing of it, assuming it to be light pollution. Then, as she got closer, her mouth dropped open in horror.
In one sense she was right - it was light. However, it was a different light to the type she was thinking of. It was fire. And it was coming from her house.
Quickly she ran towards her blazing home, barely noticing the blaring of the approaching fire engines. All she knew was that that was HER house with HER possessions inside. What had she done to deserve this?
Eventually the fire was put out and the crowd dispersed, leaving Moira alone in her utter shock. She didn’t know what to do. She’d lost everything, had no where to live and was completely on her own. Comprehension of what had truly happened finally began to sink in and in a very un-Moira-like way, she collapsed into a sobbing wreck of despair.
She didn’t know how long she stayed like this until she felt a slight comforting touch on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw a dark girl there, about her own age, who she recognised but couldn’t quite place. The girl gently soothed her then offered that Moira come stay with her for the night. At the sound of her voice, Moira remembered who she was – Josie, the housing agent from Aekea. Perhaps, as she was from the Housing Commission, Josie would be able to get her a new home? She could always hope.
Slowly Moira got up from the curled ball she was in on the floor and followed as Josie lead the way back to her house. Realising that she hadn’t yet thanked Josie, she did so quickly and blushed as the other girl smiled at her warmly and laughed it off. Damn but that girl was pretty.
…Did she seriously just think that? Must be the shock distorting her mind.
They started up a light conversation, about anything in general, which was Josie’s very blatant attempt at lightening Moira’s spirits. She didn’t mind though; anything that took her mind off her house and Josie (no, she did NOT just think that!) was a blessing.
Josie’s house was very pretty (like the girl, she mused, before quickly catching her thoughts and erasing that one). It was small, but not too small with beautiful flower arrangements on the windowsills and around the door. Homely, she decided was the best way to describe it.
The inside was just as lovely, and Moira looked around in wonderment, trying to remember why she’d never bothered decorating her house this nicely. There was a small hall with the kitchen ahead and the living room just off to the left.
She heard Josie’s (gorgeous) giggle and looked at her, realising that she must have seemed a complete idiot, gazing at the decoration of a house.
“Sorry,” she mumbled, blushing again.
“Don’t worry about it,” Josie replied, smiling as always. “Would you like a drink?”
Moira considered, before replying; “God, I’d kill for a beer.”
At this, Josie laughed lightly then wandered towards the kitchen, indicating as she did so that Moira should take a seat in the living room.
The atmosphere in the room was incredibly relaxing, and for the first time that night, Moira felt completely at ease. Unfortunately, this state of calm didn’t last so long as Josie handed her a beer, giving Moira a brilliant view down her top.
Tearing her gaze away, she smiled up at Josie thankfully and opened the can. The liquid was cool and strong, and soon had her relaxing again. They continued their talk from earlier, and so content was Moira that she almost didn’t notice Josie shifting closer.
However, Moira was very attuned to her proximity with Josie and was growing steadily more nervous as the distance closed. Josie was little more than a hair’s breadth away before Moira could stand it no longer and closed the gap with a kiss.
Suddenly realising what she had done, Moira pulled herself away from Josie and started to get up. Damn her for screwing things up! Josie would definitely not be getting her a house now. She’d have to find one alone.
So she was amazed to find herself being pulled back down and kissed fiercely on the lips. It took her a second before she remembered to kiss back, lest she seemed like she didn’t want it. And want it she most definitely did, she finally admitted to herself, as Josie placed butterfly kisses along her jaw moving steadily towards her ear.
“Dammit Moira I’ve wanted this – wanted you – for so long,” Josie moaned in her ear, before taking Moira’s earlobe and nibbling it gently. Moira’s breath hitched in her throat as Josie lightly traced the heart on her cheek with her tongue.
“Shouldn’t we… oh… shouldn’t we take this... upstairs?” she managed to breath out, between Josie’s assaults on her mouth. Lord, the things that girl could do with her tongue should be made illegal!
“Oh I suppose so,” she breathed back and Moira found herself being dragged off the couch and into a cosy bedroom with an appealing bed. She was immediately stripped of her clothes, laid down on the silky sheets and straddled by Josie, who at some point had also changed to the nude, though Moira couldn’t for the life of her remember when.
“Gorgeous,” Josie murmured, looking down at Moira’s body, before assailing her with an onslaught of kisses.
The next day, Moira awoke sometime near noon, to find her limbs entwined with those of a much darker skin. It was such a beautiful contrast to her own pale skin and she smiled at her vague recollections of sheer pleasure last night. The details eluded her so she must have been slightly drunk, but from the way things looked, she’d have plenty of opportunities to re-remember them.
She sighed in contentment, and decided that yesterday had been the best worst day of her life.
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