Rp Character
Till Death do us part Rp -yaoi guild Name: Keo Valentine Age:18 hair: Silver/white eyes: Red race: Vampire/human sex: Male height: 5'11 wieght: 130 Personality: Seriouse, quiet, rude at times, distant. Bio: He was raised up in a old english style home but later broke away and became a rogue. Appearance:keoRp-Apocalypse (Demons and the last humans) adventure story Character name: Spades Species biggrin emon Appearance:Spades Abilities: dark magic, telepathic, manipulate fire/water/earth, Weapons:GoldenWing Sword About the character: Spades goes wherever the wind takes him. He's been an outcast most his life but once roamed with a pack of demons who he controled at one point thanks to his telepathy. Soon they turned on him but Spades vancuished them and went on a journey hoping to see new things and meet new people. Rp-"Blood Stain Tears"Appearance:Riki Name:Riki Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 18 Bio: Hidden (unfolds later) Personality: Free spirit, like to enjoy life, can be serious when the time is comes around. He can be blunt at times and is a kind heart once he gets to know someone much better. Other: HiddenRp- Black Day Manner ((What happens here, stays here))username sad me of course) character name: Towa Age: Sex(gender): Statues: Bi Appearance:Towa Bio: Runs an Inn after his fathers death and is hopping it becomes successful. Other: He's kind, but at times can become cold if the situation makes him so. Towa likes to wear suits a lot and is not very casual but sometimes would like to break free into leaving the big business world behind and actually have fun.