I like all my friends...they rarely get mixed up in the 'popularity' bullshit. I hate all that 'who likes who' and the 'did you hear about' crap...that's why I like my friends. They don't label or judge people, well, everyone judges people, but they see through appearences and lable people for who they are, not too look in generalizations, and to just look at the individual.
-Here's my motto for poseurs-
-Get your own opinions and your own styles and stop trying to fit into the rules and guidelines of a label or group you didn't even invent.
But one of my friends likes to think he's a goth, he goes by the stereotype that all goths are defined by wearing dark clothes and listening to head-splitting rock music. I asked him why he's trying (and failing) to be a goth, he responded, "Because it's cool", and that's fine, accept it defines everything I hate about people. They everlasting quest for attention...everyone tries, many fail, and many make it on a path of screwed up morals and views.
Now, he's a big person, big, as in, muscles. He's a junior soldier program call CAP, which will eventually get him a high-ranking postion in the military not to mention giving him a free ride through college. Who also has many good friends that besides his annoying habits, choose to stay friends with him.
Now...what's there to be depressed about...?
By bad habits, I mean, being a narcisistic moron who can't get enough of himself. Goths are sometimes defined as 'deep', and 'dark', he's very shallow-minded and not open-minded at all. Anytime someone has their own opinions, or there own thoughts, he jumps in and objects to them. Like, for example, if you were next to him and said, "Hot Topic scares me.", he'd jump in and punch you in the gut and give his two-cents, even if he wasn't in the conversation to begin with. Or, if you said, "I can run pretty fast.", or "I workout." he'd laugh in your face. Almost as if he's the only person on earth who worksout.
Anther bad habit, along with quite a few of my friends, is hitting eachother. Shoving, pushing, tripping, punching, I guess this is what makes their day, despite that it has gotten them into trouble countless times, they continue to do it. For no reason either, instead of saying "Hi", or "Hey", they'll just give you a nice punch in the gut or a kick in the crotch. And when one day I mentioned my friends were weird for hitting people all the time, the friend I was talking about earlier, called me a p***y...
...I was confused...if everyone that hating getting punched in the chest or kicked in the groin was a p***y, then...*POW!* 'clipped him in the side and kneed him in the nuts. He keeled over in pain...I think I got the message through. I mean, who likes getting hit? Did he think I liked getting punched in the chest evrytime I passed him in the hall? He must be what they call...an idiot...
Through my friends, I also learned how wanting attention can make you abandon even your closest friends. One of my best friends...the one which I talked about in my first journal entry, had packed up his morals and values, put them in a bag, and chicked them off a cliff then continued down the road to 'popularity'. Now, I had always thought we were like brothers, we liked the same stuff, watched the same TV shows, and hung out together all the time. But now, I'm not sure it was genuine at all...
One day, me, him, and a bunch of my friends were hanging out and anoth kid had come with a friend of mine. Who I tohught was my best friend muttered the words "This is bacically the 'loser' group at school"...I was confused...seeing as how I was 5 feet from him at the time, I stood up and asked, "Losers?" and he said to me "Well, you're high up on the chain"...oh really? I guess he's living in this world where everyone has to be on this 'chain' he talks about...I'm not sure if he said it to make up for calling me a loser, or if it was genuine, but I never forgot it. I mean, If we're all losers, and you hang out with us, what does that make you?
You know how all those people are anyway...talking about people behind their backs. ugh......well, one day, I was talking about him behind his back, and a mutual friend of his had agreed with what he was saying, coincidentally the goth I talked about at the beginning of the post. 'Had not even tried to stick up for his friend at all, just joined in, I guess he's the kind of person who would do or say anything to fit in...hmm...what do they call those people, oh yeah, social prostitutes.
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Xylomaniac's Journal
A journal of the days of my life as a stupid teenager.
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